Transportation Committee April 18, 2016

Transportation Committee April 18, 2016

Transportation Committee Meeting Minutes

7:00 pm April 18, 2016

Sprague Library 

Attendees:  Larry Migliaccio, Amy Barry, Steve Kirkegaard, Milton Brazelton, Landon Clark

Larry mentioned the current chair, Deb Henry, was studying for her PE exam and was on excused absence.

  • Attendees, with the exception of Amy Barry, were welcomed as new members. Amy suggested also contacting Bryce Williams as a potential member.  Larry volunteered to do.
  • Discussion held related to goals of committee.

Sugar House Commercial District Parking Study, all to review for discussion at next meeting. Steve suggested it might be appropriate to investigate possibility and legal method for providing small shuttle service in the CBD.  Amy suggested a discussion with the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce Organization.  Larry volunteered to contact the SLC Rep handling to parking study for an invite to the next meeting.

  • Larry recommended a volunteer attend the Salt Lake City Transportation meetings on a monthly basis to report to the committee. Amy recommended getting a Sugar House Rep on the actual committee.  Larry will investigate if any positions are currently available on this transportation board.
  • Steve recommended links be provided to various master plans and studies related to Sugar House. Larry will provide links to all via email.

Frustration was expressed by members that South Salt Lake had not completed the trail along the Sugar House S Line.

Future meetings will remain scheduled at 7:00 pm on the third Monday of each month.

Larry mentioned it was time to elect a new Chair as Deb has become heavily engaged in a new engineering management position. Larry volunteered to assume this position for at least six months.  Amy Barry nominated Larry, Landon seconded the motion and Larry was elected unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

LM: April 19, 2016

Landon Clark
[email protected]