Transportation Committee Minutes 09-18

Transportation Committee Minutes 09-18

Minutes: SHCC Transportation Committee. Sept. 17, 2018

Committee Members Present: Larry Migliaccio, Sue Watson, Mike Bagley Public & Representatives of Hollywood, Ramona & 10th East: George Chapman, France’s Hayes, Sarah Woolsey and Katie Miller
Suzanne Stensaas, SLC Transportation Advisory Board Member

Larry updated the attendees on the status of McClelland Street and the bike path between Sugarmont and 2100 South based on his telephone conversation with Chris Jones and Tom Millar.

The City Transportation Department has spoken with Lowe Development and Boulder Development about their concept of a combined bike/pedestrian and vehicle concept for McClelland. Neither developer had objections but Boulder wanted to withhold any commitment pending resolution of issues with the SLC Fire Department. The improvements will likely include signage, outside dining with parklets, slightly lower number of on-street parking places, resurfacing and a center barrier at the east end of Elm at McClelland. No formal plans have been developed but Larry said City Transportation would likely begin design this winter although this is not yet fixed in time. In any case, the committee would continue to work with the Transportation Department to proactively participate in design.

The Lowe Development will comply with the SLC Fire Department direction to provide emergency access/egress from Elm Street. This will limit parking on Elm in the vicinity of the access/egress and will open up more options for parking on McClelland.

It is not likely McClelland will see any active construction the rest of this year with the possible exception of work on sidewalks and curb/gutter for the Boulder Development Project. The group concurred it would not be good to spend money improving McClelland only to see its destruction during ongoing construction

George Chapman suggested lobbying the City to move funds currently being considered in the current CIP for maintenance of 1100 East in front of the. Sugar House Post Office. (Includes $221,000 for 1000 LF of curb/gutter and paving patch and tie ins). Larry said he did not think this potential CIP funding could be moved since it would be unfair to those who had worked hard to get this funding. George felt the SLC Council might have more flexibility and Larry said he would contact the Sugar House Community Chair for arranging a possible discussion with Council representatives. In any case, Larry recommended proceeding with a CIP funding application for CIP 2018/2019 (Due no later than Sept. 28,, 2018) to secure additional funds for McClelland. This money, if approved, would become available in Fall 2019 for use the following summer. This would dovetail nicely with construction of the Lowe Development.

Discussion of issues in the Hollywood/Ramona area

Frances Hayes addressed her contact with Scott Vaterlaus of SLC Transportation concerning vehicle speeding in the neighborhood. SLC had radar monitored speeds of NB and SB vehicles on 1000 East and confirmed that average speed was 24 mph for SB traffic and 25 mph for NB traffic. However maximum recorded speed on NB traffic was 42 mph. Scott said the street qualifies for a permanent flashing electronic speed board, prioritized with other areas where street speeding is problematic. The group felt it would be appropriate for the neighborhood to apply for 2018/2019 CIP funds for the speed board. Larry stated the minimum amount for a CIP project was $50,000 and maximum was $500,000. Suzanne suggested the neighborhood consider working with contractors and the Chamber of Commerce for a possible in- kind donation for the welfare of the area in the form of sign supply/installation. The group liked the idea but was unsure of the legal issues. George suggested impact funds might be another funding route.

Parking is also an issue in the neighborhood with overload of residents in rentals and commercial business users and supply services. The idea of parking permits have been discussed with residents but no consensus has been achieved concerning this potential solution. Downzoning was also discussed. George thought this impractical and suggested requesting the City to provide more zoning enforcement.

Frances mentioned Bikram Yoga has been cooperative in trying to get their clients to park in other locations besides the residential areas. The architect having a business in the area has also been contacted and is willing to try to help out by allowing employees to park in his offices parking lot currently reserved for clients.

Larry thanked the residents for their participation and told them the SHCC needs an addition member from the Westminster area due to the tragic loss of Michael G. Kavanagh. Any volunteers? The committee will continue working with the residents concerning their issues. This is the second public meeting with these residents and the Transportation Committee. Residents came to the SHCC Transportation Committee meeting and mentioned these issues in July of 2018.

LM:18 Sept., 2018

Landon Clark
[email protected]