Update on Parleys Canyon Gravel Pit

Update on Parleys Canyon Gravel Pit

Update on Parleys Canyon Gravel Pit
August 3, 2022
The Fight Isn’t Over – Stop the Gravel Pit.

  1. DOGM is still considering Granite Construction’s Small Mine Operations Notice of Intent (SMO-NOI)
    • The Division stated last week: “Due to the complexity of the Granite Construction I-80 South Quarry
    (Tree Farm) small mine notice of intent informal hearing, the Division will issue a decision in a
    reasonable manner according to R647-5-106.11, not within ten days as previously indicated. The
    Division acknowledges the concern and high-profile nature of the mine location and appreciates
    the input received.”
    • Public support letters to DOGM and the Board are still needed showing we support them in denying
    this current SMO-NOI. Send your letters to Julie Carter: [email protected]
    • Sign the new petition from Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment (UPHE) and send letters to
    Granite Construction. Their link below is full of great information and the Petition link:
  2. Salt Lake County is positioned to stop any pre-mature mining operations in Parleys Canyon.
  3. Write editorials and op-ed letters to the newspapers and other news outlets.
    See: https://www.sltrib.com/ and https://www.deseret.com/
  4. Write the legislature voicing your concerns and opposition to any mining operations in populated,
    urban areas. Mining causes all kinds of pollutions and problems. There are some proposed mining
    amendments coming up in the legislature. Now is the time to express your opinions and oppositions.
    Find Legislators: Utah State Legislature
  5. Sand, gravel, and limestone is abundantly found across Utah, and does not need to be in urban areas.
  6. We are looking for good locations for banners and signage showing “STOP THE GRAVEL PIT” and
    Andrew Smith
    [email protected]
Landon Clark
[email protected]