Updates to CIU (Community Intelligence Unit)

Updates to CIU (Community Intelligence Unit)

Under the new model, each Patrol division commander (Captains over Pioneer, Central, and Liberty
Divisions) will have a Community Oriented Policing Coordinator (officer) assigned directly to their
division – providing direct geographic accountability. These officers will take over the community-based
duties previously performed by the CIU detectives, along with any other community-related projects
and operations the commander assigns. The COPC will be a direct representative of the respective
division commander to the community, regarding police operations and community concerns. The flow
of information will be immediate and direct to the division commander.

The COPC will also be able to directly and effectively coordinate divisional resources to address these
concerns, such as bikes squads, patrol squads, motors, investigative units, watch commanders, etc., to
address crime spikes and areas of special interest. This coordination will take place at the direction of,
and with the input from, the patrol division commander, giving each COPC Detective more direct
resources and oversight.

Landon Clark
[email protected]