April 2015

7:00 PM Welcome - Chair Approve Minutes Secretary Report Treasurer Report Chair Announcements 7:05 PM Community Announcements Fire Department Station #3 Crime Report - Det Lowe 7:15 PM Public comments for items not on the agenda 7:20 PM Blaine Hollow Update Chris Lee 7:30 PM Legislative Update by Rep. Justin Miller 7:45 PM Committee Reports Land Use & Zoning Parks, Open Space & Trails Transportation Arts & Culture Historic...

[caption id="attachment_1196" align="alignleft" width="107"]Amy Barry Amy Barry[/caption] Even though it is snowing as I begin this month's chair report I wanted to focus on the move into spring. I wanted to focus on the rise of outdoor activities in Sugar House and highlight pedestrian safety. We live in an area that experiences high volumes of traffic, especially during rush hour. I realize motorists complain about the traffic and how long it takes to move along 1300 E and 2100 S, but I would like to remind everyone that these arterial roads are adjacent to residential areas. It is a balance between moving vehicles and providing safe walking routes for residents. I don't think we've found that balance as I regularly get emails from people complaining about various crosswalk areas being unsafe for pedestrians. More people are out walking and riding bicycles as the weather warms up. The issue of pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility. Drivers need to pay extra attention to pedestrian crosswalks. Every day I see a car drive right through when a pedestrian is either ready to step out or in the crosswalk! Likewise pedestrians need to respect these rules and refrain from jaywalking because they don't want to walk a little ways to the designated crosswalk.
We did not have a committee meeting in March.
We have a draft of a letter to the Planning Commission, and have been waiting to finalize it for the petitioner to respond to the questions from our Vision Statement.  We have that response now, and the committee was disappointed in the answers. So, I will finalize my letter and send it off this week.
On April 9 the Planning Commission will get a briefing on the SLC Transit Master Plan, and also the new Landscape Ordinance called Park strip/Water Wise.