October 2017

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes Trustees Present:  Camron Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Landon Clark, Mary Clark, Melanie Heath, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Benjamin Sessions, Judi Short,  Chris Sveiven, Rawlins Young Trustees Excused:  Mike...

November 7th Election:    Election day is approaching for District 5 and District 7.  Please get out, mail in, vote online…Just participate!   District 5 candidates:  Erin Mendenhall and George Chapman.  District 7 candidates:  Amy Fowler and Abe Smith. Mulch Opportunity: Salt Lake City is offering an extra brown...

November Agenda 7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barclough Treasurer Report-Benjamin Sessions 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Community Outreach-Benjamin Sessions and Melanie Heath Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Parks-Sally Barclough 7:20 Community Announcements Fire Station #3 Detective Josh Ashdown-CIU 7 7:30 Jenni Oman-SLC Public Utilities New waterlines and the rehab of the sewer line from 1300 S. to 2100 S. 7:40 Public Utilities 101-continued Jesse Stewart-Deputy...

Help us locate SLC's historic signs by using the SLC Mobile app! Salt Lake City is made up of unique neighborhoods and business districts. One key element that contributes to a neighborhood or district’s character is the presence of vintage signs. These signs reflect a unique...

The following major zoning changes are potentially going to be adopted by the City Council before the end of the year.  You can attend and speak at the following public hearings, some you can still comment on Open City Hall, you can attend the City Council where these may formally b adopted, and you can send them comments to council.comments@slcgov.com.  (all these dates are subject to change, but we know not much will happen in December, so all will be probably adopted by the end of November.)