1844 E 2700 S Hargrave PUD (Planned Unit Development) was approved by PC  6/9/2021. Request was to subdivide lots at 1844 and 1852 into three lots and create the third lot in the rear of 1852 E 2700 South.  The new lot would have only a 24′ wide street frontage.  Here is a link to the Letter of  Decision.

738 E 1700 S Accessory Dwelling Unit was approved by the Planning Commission June 23.

This was a garage with a loft above that will be converted into an ADU.


We should be seeing more final plans for Alta Terra (the old 24-Hour Fitness Project) soon, along with some updates for the Sugar Town project.



1-Salt Lake City is growing rapidly, and the tech industry is a major contributor.  We need to update the tech-related land use definitions and expand where those uses can be located in the city. If you cannot see the maps of affected properties, (They wouldn’t load on my computer) here are static maps you can look at.

Learn more about the proposal and take our survey by visiting our Tech Lake City

View Tech Lake City Storymap

2-Electric Vehicle Readiness – Salt Lake City already has a requirement that when a multi-family building is constructed, one EV parking stall is required for every 25 spaces.  This would add the additional requirement that new construction would continue to require 1 EV parking stall per 25 spaces, and also include EV Ready stalls built at the ratio of 20% of the of on-site parking spaces.  They will ned to include electrical conduit and sufficient electrical capacity for the future use of a minimum 200-volt electric vehicle charging station.  Here is the proposal.

3-Design Review Text Amendment

The City is proposing an amendment to the Design Review Ordinance. The purpose of the proposed changes is to clarify which standards of review apply to different design review applications. Some modifications require a review only of the relevant design review standards related to the request, while some require review of all the design review standards. This amendment will make the language in the ordinance clear so that all applications are processed in a uniform manner. The design standards themselves are not proposed to be modified with this amendment. Here is a link to the city website on this topic.
This is a very small, technical amendment that clarifies which design standards apply to which design review applications. The purpose of the amendment is to clarify the following:

  • All design standards would apply to applications for modification to a development standard, such as building height, total size, lot size.
  • Only directly related standards would apply to applications for a modification to a design standard in Chapter 21A.37 of the zoning code.
  • Only the directly related standards would apply to applications for a modification of a building setback.



THE NEXT SHCC LAND USE AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE MONDAY JULY 19 AT 6 P.M. BY ZOOM. Right now we have these three text amendments on the agenda.  You can read about these proposals and send a comment about the project.  In return, I will send you a zoom link to the meeting.


Judi Short
[email protected]