LUZ Reports

NEW WELLS FARGO PROJECT -We have learned that the New Proposal for a new Zone on the Wells Fargo parcel will be on the September 11 Planning Commission Agenda at 5:30 pm Room 326 Salt Lake City Building 451 S State Street. This will include...

This is an interim newsletter to try to clarify what all is going on with Land Use in Sugar House. Salt Lake City has been working on its zone consolidation project.  They are consolidating 27 zones into nine.  You can read about them here. Sign up for...

Salt Lake City has been working on its zone consolidation project.  They are consolidating 27 zones into nine.  You can read about them here. Sign up for the updates to keep up with the project, and don’t miss a deadline. So far, they have combined...

If you are interested in what the City Council did with the budget, here are two links June,4 Recap, and the June 11 recap. On June 4, they authorized financial assistance for the new affordable Fairmont Heights Senior Housing units on the corner of 1100...

The Salt Lake City Council will begin their 2024-35 budget deliberations from May to Mid-June. The Council will meet weekly between May and mid-June to discuss, review, and fine-tune the recommended FY25 budget based on its priorities and public input. You can learn about the...

The Salt Lake City Council will begin their 2024-35 budget deliberations from May to Mid-June. The Council will meet weekly between May and mid-June to discuss, review, and fine-tune the recommended FY25 budget based on its priorities and public input. You can learn about the...

On February 28, the PC forwarded a positive recommendation on Adaptive Reuse to the City Council We have had questions about the Wendy’s on 1300 E, they are not going anywhere, just doing a much needed remodel. We learned about a new project called Fairmont Heights 2557...

SUGAR HOUSE IS TWO WORDS! Wells Fargo  - They are still working with the city, we assume to make changes to their original proposal.  if the new zone gets approved every parcel in that zone would be eligible, but each one would have to apply individually...

The city continues its revision of the zoning code, and we reviewed text amendments at our December LUZ meeting. Building Services Ordinance (Construction Enforcement, Fines, Boarded Buildings etc) This was a pretty technical revision, and we did not write a letter. Mobile Business Text Amendment...

On December 5 the  Salt Lake City Council voted to approve Affordable Housing Incentives (AHI) zoning changes to encourage affordable housing construction across the City. This landmark decision comes after months of thorough Council deliberations, underscoring the City's commitment to making Salt Lake City an affordable place to live despite growth and change. The...