The City Council  had a briefing  at their work session on November 16 about a  proposal  that  would  amend  the  FB-SE  (Form  Based Special Purpose  Corridor  Edge  Subdistrict)  zoning  district  to allow  for  rooftop  commercial uses above  the  second  story,  subject  to  meeting  a  height  of  30-feet.  The  proposed  amendment  affects section  21A.27.040.D  FB-SE  Building  Form Standards.  All properties, citywide, in  the  FB-SE (Form  Based  Special  Purpose  Corridor  Edge  Subdistrict)  would  be  impacted.  The  FB-SE  zone currently  limits  commercial or  nonresidential  uses  to  first  two  stories  and  a  height  of  30  feet. Related  provisions  of  Title  21A  Zoning  may also  be  amended  as  part  of  this  petition. They will hold  hearing to  accept  public  comment  –  Tuesday,  December  7,  2021  at  7  p.m.

The Elm Alley vacation was approved by the City Council on October 19.

Significant Water Users Text Amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on September 21, will be on a City Council briefing November 16 at 2 p.m. and a public hearing December 7 at 7 p.m.

The design of the Sugar Town Project was approved by the Planning Commission on October 13, 2021. The petitioner met all the requirements of the Design Standards and will proceed to get a building permit.

1945 South 1300 East is on City Council agenda for a public hearing 11/16/2021 at 7 pm.  This is a rezone from RMF-35 to RMF-45 to allow the owner to tear down the current apartment building and build a taller one up to 45′ in order to gain a few more apartments. You can read about the project and provide comments.  If you want to read the staff report or make a verbal or written comment, read this:

The proposed ADU at 2274 Green Street was approved by the Planning Commission on September 9, 2021 with the condition that it cannot be an Air BnB.

Old Sugar House Fire Station  parcel  rezone – This parcel is currently zoned for Public Lands.  In order to develop this parcel along with the old Deseret Industries parcel, they must be the same zone. You can read about this project and provide feedback to SHCC. This is on the  Planning Commission Agenda December 8.

An ADU has been proposed for 2900 S 900 East, to be built above a new to-be-constructed garage. This was on our LUZ meeting October 11, we are still taking comments. This will be on the Planning Commission soon.

The small building of the Alta Terra project at 1132 Ashton Avenue (the parking lot west of the Sugar House liquor store) was reviewed by the LUZ committee October 11 and was approved by the Planning Commission on November 10. You can read about the project here.  The second (larger) Alta Terra building which will go on the site of the former 24 Hour Fitness gym, is still in Design Review and will come to us shortly.

Verizon Wireless submitted a revised proposal to change zoning regulations  regarding Stealth Wireless Communication Facilities.    This was on LUZ agenda November 15 and is on the Planning Commission December 8.  Read about it here.

1861-71 South 1300 EastWe have received a request for a Planned Development to construct five new three-story townhomes at this address. The applicant is requesting a reduction in lot width from 25 feet to 20 feet, and an additional five feet of height (beyond the 30-foot maximum) to accommodate railings for decks on the roofs of the proposed townhomes.  Each townhome would sit on its own lot. This was on the November 15 LUZ Zoom meeting of SHCC at 6 p.m.  Some neighbors received a letter from the city, and 150 flyers will be distributed to the neighborhood with information about our Land Use and Zoning meeting.  Comments are still being taken, they are due November 26.  This will be on the Planning Commission Agenda December 8.

TAG Nibley Park 2435 S 500 East This is a request to rezone this R1-7000 zone parcel to RMF 35 and put 18 townhomes on this very large parcel. This was on our LUZ meeting November 15. Comments are still being taken, use the form on the link above.

We have two new land-use agenda items so far for our December 13 meeting.

  1. 2436 S Park Street Detached ADU Here is the link.
  2. Zoning Text Amendment for Homeless Resource Centers and Homeless Centers.

If you fill out the comment form on either of these pages, you will receive a link to the zoom meeting on December 13 at 6 pm.


Judi Short
[email protected]