NEW WELLS FARGO PROJECT -We have learned that the New Proposal for a new Zone on the Wells Fargo parcel will be on the September 11 Planning Commission Agenda at 5:30 pm Room 326 Salt Lake City Building 451 S State Street. This will include the MU-15 zone, being suggested by Wells Fargo. The new zone would have to be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. The staff report for the September 11 meeting is finished, and includes everything we sent to the city for the original request to build.   The staff report won’t be posted on the city website probably until September 6.  If you send comments now for the new proposal, the Planning Commission will get the comments along with the letter I write, but it will not be visible to the general public, although it will be part of the public record.  I will post the comments and letter I write, along with the staff report,  on our website under New Wells Fargo Rezone Proposal 2024, so we can all see it. (the rest of SLC will have to know to come to our website to read it, should they want to).
Should the Planning Commission approve this request (the staff report is recommending approval). it will still have to go to the City Council for final approval, and then back to the Planning Commission for building design, after they design a building for that space. At that point, the 155 feet of height, and fifteen stories, will be in place.
Please send me comments by this Friday August 30, to give me time to get my letter written. If you miss that date, you can send your comment to the planner, [email protected] and please send a copy to me [email protected].
On September 11, you will be able to speak in person to the Planning Commission about this proposal and will have only two minutes to speak.
The SHCC LUZ Committee met on August 19. We discussed the consolidation of the mixed use zones from 27 zones to 6. Zone MU-8 and MU-11 will be in Sugar House. You can read the detail of these here.    And, you can send a comment from that link. Please do that by September 15, we do not know when that might get to the Planning Commission.
We also discussed the new IHC Hospital going in on State Street between 700 and 800 South. They are asking an addition to the uses allowed in the D-1 district to include Hospitals, and we sent an email to the City Council in favor of that.  This will serve the west side of Salt Lake City much easier than trying to drive to the LDS Hospital in an emergency.  We hear the old LDS Hospital will be used for doctor’s offices, and we suggested that they also incororate some affordable housing.
The Locker Room is closed (the old Fiddler’s Elbow).  Sugar House Coffee, and the other shops along 1100 East are really struggling, so try to patronize them often.
The next Land Use and Zoning meeting will be September 16 at 6 p.m. at Sprague Library.
Judi Short
[email protected]