The Planning Commission approved the Sugar House Townhomes at 2222 Lake Street on December 11. Follow this link to learn about the project.
The Alley Vacation at 2860 Chadwick is on the Planning Commission agenda for January 8 at 5:30. Here is information about this project. You can attend the meeting to discuss it. Here is information about the meeting and how you can participate. THE STAFF REPORT IS NOT POSTED, BUT SHOULD BE POSTED BY FRIDAY.
In December, the City Council approved the transfer of city-owned parcels to the RDA in exchange for other property in Sugar House to facilitate the extension of the S Line (Sugar House Streetcar). The extension will be one block, up to Highland Drive.
The City has initiated a petition (PLNPCM2024-01388) to update the RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family) and RMF-45 (Moderate/High Density Multi-Family) zoning districts by combining them into a single district. This proposal’s primary focus is to fulfill the intent of the RMF-35 and RMF-45 zoning districts by facilitating more moderate-density housing while retaining neighborhood character and preserving existing units. The proposal is also intended to streamline the zoning code by simplifying and clarifying regulations, making them more accessible and easier to understand for both staff and the public. You can find the draft proposals and more information on the project webpage:bit.ly/RMFmerger.
The January LUZ meeting will be on Monday, January 13 (because of the holiday on the 20th). It will be at the Sprague Library in the basement meeting room. We will discuss two items.
1 .RMF-35 and RMF-45 Multi-Family Zoning District Merger (see above).
2.. A text amendment to clarify some language within our exemptions code found in 21A.02.050B of city code as well as standardize and footnotes in the land-use tables that references the code. The purpose of this amendment is to do the following:
*Ensure uniformity in land-use tables found in chapter 21A.33 by standardizing the footnotes referencing Section 21A.02.050B.
*Clarify the city’s longstanding practice of exempting necessary equipment (as listed in Section 21A.02.050B and updated as needed) from zoning regulations.
*Include fencing required to secure specific equipment within the exemption from zoning regulations.
*Emphasize that certain utility uses, such as water treatment plants and electricity generating plants, are not exempt and must comply with applicable zoning regulations. This was just received Jan uary5 and will be on our website shortly.