Current Petitions

The city wants our feedback on an "AFFORDABLE HOUSING OVERLAY ORDINANCE"  This would allow affordable housing many places  in our city, without much oversight in terms of getting public comment, planning input or review by the Planning Commission, as long as it meets certain criteria....

The Planning Division has received a petition from the City Council to amend the zoning ordinance regulations regarding appeals of administrative decisions to better comply with state law.  The Sugar House Community Council has been asked to gather input from the community regarding these changes. Consideration...

December 2022.  We have a new drawing of what the developer is proposing.   And, the petitioner submitted a new Development Agreement  This is what the city had been waiting for, and should say what the developer has agreed to do on this parcel, which is...

UPDATE#2 Here is the letter we just received, November 2022, asking for feedback. During the permitting process, Rocky Mountain Power made them move the building north 7 feet.  On the north side of the building, this means the project lost 21 parking stalls. To maintain...

UPDATE:  This project was approved by the Planning Commission on January 22, 2020.  Now it needs to go to the City Council for final approval. -------- Sugarmont Plaza is the area where the old DI was at 2234 Highland Drive.  Adjacent to it are 3...

  NOTE: We haven't received this petition yet, but expect to receive it soon. This is the view, looking west, of the edge of the current Sugar House Boys and Girls Club on Sugarmont Avenue, and the vacant tennis courts.  There is a proposal, partially funded by...

The city has been updating the regulations for offsite parking. This is a draft ordinance, with footnotes to show the changes from the current ordinance.  The idea is to get rid of some conflicts in the current ordinances and have it be one ordinance by...

DOWNTOWN AND SUGAR HOUSE CONSTRUCTION TEXT AMENDMENTS This ordinance exists so that occasionally existing ordinances can be modified temporarily to mitigate construction activities.  It has not been updated since 2006.  This could be our opportunity to tighten these up a big, so we don't see the...