Current Petitions

This is a new, mysterious project going up on the corner of 900 East, right by the STREETCAR STATION across from Leisure Living.  Here is a link to the plans.  This is in the FB-SE (Form-Based Streetcar Edge) zone.  This will be an over the counter...

Salt Lake City is updating its child daycare zoning requirements.  This would allow the ability for more licensed daycare facilities to further support the development of home daycare and child daycare centers near the places we live, with the intent of implementing the following goals...

Here is the letter SHCC sent to the Planning Commission for this project. Salt Lake City has received a Conditional Use request from T-Mobile, represented by Larson Quick of Rage Development, LLC, in order to increase the size of an existing antenna array mounted on an...

UPDATE:  Here is the letter written by SHCC to the Planning Commission.  We don't yet have a date for the hearing. The special exception code changes project is a proposal to eliminate the special exception process from the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance. There are...

This was approved by the Planning Commission October 28, 2020. Now this will go to the City Council for final approval. Here is a list of all the city-owned properties in the Public Lands zone where this might apply. Here is the SHCC Letter to Planning...

  The Planning Commission approved this change on October 28, 2020.  This will go to City Council for final approval. Here is the SHCC letter to the Planning Commission:  SHCC Letter to PC Billboard Amendments  Read what the city attorney had to say about why Salt Lake City...

The city wants our feedback on an "AFFORDABLE HOUSING OVERLAY ORDINANCE"  This would allow affordable housing many places  in our city, without much oversight in terms of getting public comment, planning input or review by the Planning Commission, as long as it meets certain criteria....

The Planning Division has received a petition from the City Council to amend the zoning ordinance regulations regarding appeals of administrative decisions to better comply with state law.  The Sugar House Community Council has been asked to gather input from the community regarding these changes. Consideration...

December 2022.  We have a new drawing of what the developer is proposing.   And, the petitioner submitted a new Development Agreement  This is what the city had been waiting for, and should say what the developer has agreed to do on this parcel, which is...

UPDATE#2 Here is the letter we just received, November 2022, asking for feedback. During the permitting process, Rocky Mountain Power made them move the building north 7 feet.  On the north side of the building, this means the project lost 21 parking stalls. To maintain...