Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

UPDATE: ALLEN PARK SAVED Your pledges, your call to action was heard.  Salt Lake City Council and Mayor Mendenhall are to...

COVID-19 Emergency Response To help meet the enormous needs of our students and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Salt...

To stay up-to-date about case counts, business resources, and other directives related to COVID-19, please click here. If you are located...

7:00 Welcome-Chair Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Erika Wiggins Seliger Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley District 7 CIU Detective Cooper Landvatter BIll Knowles-SLC Ombudsman Sugar House Construction Update Salt Lake School District...

UPDATE#2 Here is the letter we just received, November 2022, asking for feedback. During the permitting process, Rocky Mountain Power...

DECISION:  The Planning Commission approved this ADU with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the registration process outlined...

  Decision:  This project was approved by the Planning Commission June 25, 2020 with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply...

UPDATE:  This project is on hold or withdrawn UPDATE:  2437 S 600 E Letter to PC with flyer    The applicant is...

This was on the Planning Commission June 24.  Here is a link to the staff report for this project.   The project...