Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year...
Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year...
Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. So we created a new line for everyday life, All Year...
Changes to the Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance has been sent back to Planning by the City Council on December 5...
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barraclough Treasurer Report-Benjamin Sessions 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Community Outreach-Benjamin Sessions Website-Melaine Heath Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Trails, Parks and Open Spaces-Sally Barclough Arts...
A request by Carlos Nunez, representing the property owner North rock Capital LLC, for Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision approval...
Richmond Place Townhouses Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision at approximately 2965 S Richmond Street A request by Johnsen and Allphin...
Utah Stories did a great feature on Patricia Johanson's new Sego Lily Plaza at Sugar House Park. From the article: The...
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barraclough Treasurer Report-Benjamin Sessions 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Community Outreach-Benjamin Sessions and Melanie Heath Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Trails, Parks and Open...
Holiday Social: December 19th from 6-8pm the Sugar House Community Council will be holding a meet and greet in the upstairs...
November 7th Election: Election day is approaching for District 5 and District 7. Please get out, mail in, vote online…Just...