09 Jan RMF-35 and RMF-45 Multi Family Zoning Merger
UPDATE: This was tabled by the Planning Commission on March 12, 2025 and the public hearing will remain open. The Planning staff will look at making changes to what has been proposed.
UPDATE: This is on the Planning Commission Agenda March 12. Here is a link to the Staff Report.
This is the letter we wrote to the Planning Commission, along with the comments sent in by community members.
In 1995, the city rezoned a good portion of its land. The intent was to create parcels that could be used for housing larger than just an R-1 single-family home, but smaller than a high-rise apartment building. These were anticipated to be 35 to 45′ tall. However, much earlier, when the city was platted, these lots were three rods wide, or 49.5′. The city required the new zones to be a minimum of 50′
The city did a study, and this is an analysis of the problem.
Now, the City has initiated a petition (PLNPCM2024-01388) to update the RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family) and RMF-45 (Moderate/High-Density Multi-Family) zoning districts by combining them into a single district. This proposal’s primary focus is to fulfill the intent of the RMF-35 and RMF-45 zoning districts by facilitating more moderate-density housing while retaining neighborhood character and preserving existing units. The proposal is also intended to streamline the zoning code by simplifying and clarifying regulations, making them more accessible and easier to understand for both staff and the public. You can find the draft proposals and more information on the project webpage:bit.ly/RMFmerger.
To efficiently provide accurate information to residents and Recognized Community Organizations, Salt Lake City Planning Staff Aaron Barlow and Grant Amman came to the SHCC meeting January 8, and will also attend the Land Use and Zoning meeting January 13 at 6 p.m. at Sprague Library. Please come to listen and get your questions answered. Check the attached map to see how this proposal would affect your neighborhood.