SH Land Use and Zoning Report 2015 October

SH Land Use and Zoning Report 2015 October

City Council will vote on November 10 whether or not to move the Fire Station #3 to the parking lot of Forestdale Golf Course on 900 East.

Plan Salt Lake – Public Hearing November 17 and December 1 at the City Council.
Nov 10 – Public Hearing for Off Street Parking Ordinance,

Accessory Dwelling Units will go to the City Council, but probably not until January. We have to find time on our Land Use Committee agenda to discuss this issue and formulate recommendations to the City Council.

The proposed Streetcar Corridor Zoning will be coming back to the City Council shortly.  At that time we will probably have a draft ordinance to review.  Watch for it.

Vision Committee is working on identifying where in the Master Plan the statements in the Vision Statement come from.

I have started a dialogue with the city to get the Demolition Ordinance changed so we don’t have a problem like we have with the car wash where nothing can be done about the blight. Here is the response from the Director of Building Services and Civil Enforcement:

“Just as a brief history on the ‘demolition ordinance’; it was significantly altered a few years ago after a few years of lively debate at the City Council level. The changes definitely made it more difficult for property owners to get demolition permits. The premise that was the main topic of discussion at Council was specifically that they would rather see a vacant building with some potential of reuse than a ‘missing tooth’ in the neighborhood. (See attached Ordinance language)

The owner of this property has been in to discuss reuse of the property and to request a demolition permit. However, the ordinance requires that the actual plans and permit application are submitted and paid for PRIOR to us issuing a demolition permit. It also requires a bond to be posted for landscaping the lot if the replacement use is not completed in a timely manner – 18 months. Both of these requirements have contributed to making it very difficult for property owners to get demolition permits except under certain specific conditions.

We’ll try to keep a closer watch on the fence and the nuisance issues on that site, but until the ordinance is changed or the owner submits plans for the replacement use, there is very little that we can do to encourage demolition and/or clearing of the lot.

The Current Ordinance:

A. The purpose of the provisions in this chapter is to:

1. Promote the public welfare by maintaining the integrity and continuity of the urban fabric and economic vitality;

2. Provide an orderly and predictable process for demolition of buildings and structures;

3. Ensure demolition occurs safely;

4. Protect utilities and other infrastructure from damage during demolition;

5. Provide for enforcement of timely completion of demolition and for improvement of property following demolition to ensure the site is not detrimental to the use and enjoyment of surrounding property;

6. Provide for enforcement and maintenance of property to avoid purposeful demolition by neglect; and

7. Encourage preservation of the city’s housing stock.

B. A primary intent of the city council with respect to this chapter is to avoid demolition, or partial demolition, of buildings in a manner that disrupts the character and development pattern of established neighborhood and business areas. Accordingly, the council finds that it is in the public interest to:

1. Require existing buildings to be maintained in a habitable condition until replaced by new construction, except as otherwise permitted by this code;

2. Avoid demolition of existing structures until a complete building permit application is submitted for new construction, except as otherwise provided in this chapter; and

3. Avoid creation of vacant demolition sites with minimal or no landscaping or other improvements. (Ord. 94-12, 2012)


It is unlawful to demolish any building or structure in the city, or cause the same to be demolished, without first obtaining a permit for demolition of each such building or structure from the city building official as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 94-12, 2012)


The agenda for the November Land Use Committee will be:
5:30 p.m. 720 Ashton Avenue – Conditional Use for a Bed and Breakfast to convert to a Group Home
6:00p.m. Boulder Ventures 2189 S McClelland proposal for a 10 story apartment building with 490 units.

We will be evaluating these plans, as we always do, with how they comply with the Sugar House Master Plan, and the Sugar House Circulation and Mobility Plan.

Landon Clark
[email protected]