Present at the May 16 LUZ meeting were Judi Short, Landon Clark, Joedy Lister, Carole Straughn, Lynn Schwarz, Milton Braselton, George Chapman, Sally Barraclough, Patsy McNamara, Lisa Ramsey Adams, Rawlins Young, Aeron Day, Warren Lloyd, John Gardiner and others.
The Westminster College rezone of parcels between campus and Westminster Avenue along 1300 East was approved by the City Council June 7.
Urbana on 21 -at 974 East 2100 South, this project was approved by the Planning Commission on June 22, after review by the SH Land Use Committee and the SHCC.
Historic Signs -On June 14 the City Council adopted a legislative action to initiate a text amendment pertaining to the process to restore and replace existing historic signs.  The SH Community Council has been working on saving old signs in Sugar House for some time now.   I’m sure that at some point, we will have new sign ordinance language to review.
New Sugar House Fire Station #3
The new design for the Sugar House fire station will be on the Planning Commission agenda on July 13.  This is a public hearing, anyone can attend and state your opinion. Room 326 of the City Building at 5:30 p.m.
CVS has a new drawing for their proposal at the NE corner of1300 East and 2100 South,which will be discussed at then City Council Work Session on July 12.  The public hearing for this issue will be August 9.
3120 Richmond Street rezone from R/O to CB  The Planning Commission recommended denial, and this now goes to City Council.  Lisa met with the petitioner, and has directed Planning
to possibly find a different zone that might work for this proposal.  This will be heard by the City Council at a future date.
City Council report from Lisa Adams:
The new Sugar House Streetcar Form Based Special- Purpose Corridor zoning has three parts: Form Based Streetcar Core FB-SC, Form Based Streetcar Edge FB-SE, and Form Based Urban Neighborhood-1 FB-UN1. This is a summary of what the City Council did when they approved this zoning on Tuesday June 7, as provided by Lisa Adams:
  • In the original proposal for this area, the ‘CORE’ would have allowed a maximum height of 135 feet, which could be 12-15 stories, depending on ceiling heights. Last fall, the Council voted to lower that height to 75 feet (about seven stories,) with the possibility of going to 105 feet (8-10 stories,) if the project contained 20% affordable housing.  Based on that vote, the new ordinance was drafted.  Subsequently, the make up of the Salt Lake City Council changed, and there were several members who had concern about the height and the improbability of any affordable housing being built.
  • On Tuesday, June 7, a new draft ordinance was unanimously adopted, which caps the maximum height at 60 feet (about five to six stories,) with the possibility of building to 75 feet if 10% of the project is affordable housing.  We hope that this accomplishes two goals: avoiding extremely tall buildings in this part of Sugar House; and encouraging more affordability.
  • The FB-SE edge has a 45’ maximum, which is approximately four stories with required set-backs.  The FB-UN 1 zoning was not part of the original proposal, but was developed to help protect the residential areas adjacent to the FB-SE. This requires set backs and step backs and is designed to maintain row houses, cottages, and town homes, and similar type of structures.
  • Removed from the “Master Plan Purposes” section: the stated purpose to put street parking and a bicycle lane on southbound Seventh East; the goal of making Green Street a through street; and the desired development of the Fairmont tennis court property.  Language was also altered to read, “Specific projects may include” rather than, “Specific projects include.”
  • We still need to address parking issues, but I wanted to wait for the parking study, and did not want to further delay the adoption of this zoning.
Two other actions the City Council took involve Sugar House:
  • 1-The text amendment to the sign ordinance is now in the pipeline. This is to allow historic signs to be taken down for repair and then re-installed.  Currently, once they are removed, they can’t be put back up.
  • 2-The Council voted to fund an additional $200k towards the building of the ‘Sego Lily” in Sugar House Park, which means PRATT has received pledges of $1.1 million of the $1.5 that is needed.
  • Finally, I”m sure you heard that the committee agreed that a demolition permit should be issued for the Ute Car Wash.  Great news!  Thanks for your persistence. Demolition began July 6. Lisa Adams
The next SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee will be Monday July 18 at 6 p.m. in Sprague Library.  Agenda items tentatively are:
  • Hotel at Sugar House Center- Springhill Suites.  This hotel will be located East of The former Toys R Us, west of Taco Time.  The plans for this will be coming to us shortly.  Watch our website for details.
  • The Mecham Phase II building, south of the Vue and north of Zions Bank on Highland Drive. We should have those plans shortly, watch our website for details.


The monthly meeting of the Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee will be Monday, July 18, at 6:00 p.m. at the Sprague Library.  PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL BE AT THE MEETING OR NOT.

Landon Clark
[email protected]