SH LUZ Report 2016 November

SH LUZ Report 2016 November

Dixon Building – The building was approved by the Planning Commission October 12 with conditions as to the design of the first floor along  the north and east sides. Amy and I met with the architects November 23 and we think they are moving in the right direction to get it to a more pedestrian friendly scale along those two sides.  They submitted a drawing to planning to meet their deadline, but will have a much more final drawing available before the December 14 Planning Commission meeting. Tenants still in the Highland Plaza Building won’t be out until January 30. We expect construction will begin in February or March.

The Roof Garden Planned Development at 2594 South 900 East will be on the Open House agenda at the city building on the 4th floor. You can attend and see the plans and ask questions about the project. You can also click the link on our webpage and provide feedback.
Cottage Courts November 30 the Planning Commission approved the project with 16 infill houses on two stub streets at approximately 3075-3129 South 900 East.  They modified the housing sizes on the eastern houses on each street to allow for at least a 10’ side yard to buffer the neighbors to the East.
27th Street Cottages On November 30, the Planning Commission approved this project to allow 4 infill houses, along with the remodel of an existing home, at 868 East 2700 South and 2711 south 900 East.  This will remove two existing houses and replace them with new houses, remodel one existing home, and add two new homes.
Shopko Block (Sugar House Center) Shopko is closing January 30.  Westport Capital Properties has purchased the land, which is about 9 acres in size.  There will be a public process to work on what might be built that complies with our Sugar House Master Plan and works for what would enhance the Sugar House Business District.  They have a cross-easement with Dee’s Corporation, so that whatever they build has to be approved by Dee’s, and whatever Dee’s builds has to be approved by Westport Properties. The redevelopment of this block will be done over the next 25 years, but this first component will happen in the next few years.
3120 Richmond Street was on the City Council work session December 6.  The rezone request had bee held up because it had not been determined what a good zone would be for the uses the applicant has in mind.  Probably it will be an RMU 35 or RMU 45 zone.  This should go to the City Council for a public hearing.
The next meeting of the SH Land Use and Zoning committee will be Monday December 12 from 6-8 p.m. at Sprague Library.  The topic will be the 21st and 21st Small Area Plan.  Please attend and provide your comments.  Here is a link to the Small Area Plan.
Landon Clark
[email protected]