SH LUZ Report 2018 May

SH LUZ Report 2018 May

Salt Lake City has withdrawn its request to have us review Text Amendments for Lot Width Standards in Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts. Planning is going to move forward with changes to housing mitigation first.  Housing mitigation usually means if you tear down a housing unit, but don’t replace it, you have to pay money into the city Housing Trust Fund.

Planning has also said they are beginning to work on codifying design guidelines that are in our master plan, but not in the zoning code.  This means they have been unable to require an applicant to adhere to those guidelines. This should make our job easier. There will be a public process.

On March 28, the Planning Commission reviewed the request to close the alley at  Crystal Avenue Alley at approximately 1249 E Crystal Ave and 2623 S Highland Dr. After much discussion, the Planning Commission denied the request.  They forwarded an unfavorable recommendation to the City Council.  The Sugar House Community Council LUZ committee supported the closure initially, but after reading the PC staff report, and seeing the list of deficiencies, we decided to withdraw that recommendation.  The petitioners, and some neighbors, met with us, and explained how all those deficiencies, except one, had been resolved.  They agreed to send us a letter delineating all of those, and we agreed to support their request.  We have not yet received those  comments.

New Proposals
There is a request to take two lots 1950 and 1960 South 1700 East, remove existing buildings, and build 5  detached single family homes and a private driveway.  These parcels each have one home on the.  The proposal would demolish the two homes, combine the lots into one, and build 5 detached homes on the new parcel.

The second request is at 2660 South Highland Drive.  A beautiful old house is proposed for demolition, and the proposal is to create 4 single family houses with a private driveway down the middle.

Details for both these projects will be posted on the website shortly. Both of these issues will be on the Land Use Committee agenda May 21 at 6 p.m. in the Fairmont Room of The Sugar House Legacy at 12 12 E Wilmington Avenue.  The public is welcome.

Landon Clark
[email protected]