SH LUZ Report 2018 Sept/Oct

SH LUZ Report 2018 Sept/Oct

Administrative Interpretation Blue Boutique – 1383 E 2100 South had a complaint that signs were too large and whether they are window signs or display windows.  The finding was that there was an overabundance of window signs and the signs should occupy  no more than the allowed percentage, and displays should be returned to their original configuration.

Accessory Structures Within Side Yards The purpose of this project is to consider a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow accessory buildings, including detached garages, to be located partially within the interior side yard of a residential property. This would amend Chapter 21A.36.020 and 21A.40.050 of the Zoning Ordinance.  This was on the Open House Agenda September 20 and the SHCC LUZ committee will review this at the October meeting.

Accessory Dwelling Units. (This has been in discussion for about five years). ADUs are small apartments that share a lot with a single-family home. They can be basement apartments, above and inside garages, or entirely separate buildings. Currently, new ADU permits are only available for properties located a half mile or less from a fixed rail transit stop. The proposal would:

  • Allow ADUs citywide
    1. As conditional uses in the FR (Foothill Residential District), and
    2. R-1 (Single Family Residential) zoning Districts
    3. As permitted uses in all other residential zoning districts that already allow duplexes, triplexes, and multi-family as permitted uses.
    4. Prohibit ADUs from being used as short-term rentals
    5. Require properties with ADUs to have a deed restriction stating that owners must occupy the parcel
    6. Create different standards for Attached and Detached ADUs
    7. Change the wording of some standards for clarify
    8. Add design standards to address compatibility with principle structures

The City Council will hold hearings to accept public comment – Tuesday October 2, 2018 and Tuesday October 16, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. Here is a link to the proposed ordinance:

 Vintage Sign Ordinance – On September 4, the City Council, finally passed the Vintage Sign Ordinance! We have been working on this for 6 years.

Basically the ordinance says we get to keep our wonderful old signs, and if they need repair they can be taken down and repaired and put back up. If they fall apart, we can put up a replica.  If a business moves, the sign can be moved, as long as it is within the same zone, and near the original location.  And flexibility!  What a concept.  There are specific requirements, but this should allow most or all of our terrific signs to be saved.

Park Avenue Residential Building 1202 Stringham Avenue In late July, the developer met with a few of the LUZ committee plus Landon, and went over the following changes to the residential building. These were made since we last approved the building.

  • Added two levels to the Type IA building to increase parking count
    • One level above grade and one basement level below grade
  • Increased the unit count, changed the unit sizes/locations, modified the floor plans of each level
  • The building footprint and shape is still very close to the previous design
  • The pool and courtyard still face west like the previous design
  • Added a roof top deck on the upper level
  • Added residential units to ground level on the eastern and southern facades which impacted the elevation design
  • Added residential units to the new level below the podium (i.e. transfer slab) on the northern, eastern, and southern facades which impacted the elevation design
  • Added vehicle entry to eastern facade
  • Modified the elevation design to work with new floor plans while maintaining the design intent and architectural language of the previous design

We approved these changes, and the Planning Department said they didn’t need anything in writing from us.

The Fairmont 1034 Elm Avenue was approved August 8. 59 apartments, 79 parking spaces. Construction will begin in early 2019.

2660 Highland Drive This is a large parcel with one residential building on it, and an accessory building on it. The proposal was to demolish the home and put four residential homes on it, off a road that would enter from Caton Way, on the south of the parcel. This is in the Highland Park Historic District, on the National Register of Historic Places. The proposal was for four very stark, modern homes, none of which would face the street. At its August 22 meeting, the Planning Commission determined that the two homes on Highland Drive needed to face the street, rather than the interior courtyard. The applicant brought revised plans to the September 26 Planning Commission meeting. Plans were approved. The applicant also said he would be happy to work with the neighbors on Angelina Court to install a gate on Caton Way to eliminate through traffic from this development.

2593 South 700 East – (700 TAG) This was a proposal to demolish a duplex and two accessory units at this address, and replaced them with four attached townhomes. This was a request for a Planned Development, because to build four units on the parcel, some relief from required setbacks was needed. This does meet many of the goals of the Sugar House master plan such as adding housing and contributing to a variety of housing types. However, members of the LUZ committee were not pleased with the stark modern design, which contrasted with surrounding homes. We also had concerns about how narrow the lot was, anticipating there could, in the future, be a similar development on either side, and the housing would seem very cramped. The petitioner changed the plans several times, putting an entry on the 700 East side of the project. The Planning Commission approved the project on September 26.

The next Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting will be Monday, October 15 at 6 p.m. at the Legacy Sugar House 1212 E Wilmington Avenue, 4th Floor, Fairmont Room. Tentative agenda items may include:

  • Accessory /structures Within Side Yards
  • Self Storage
  • Cottage Court revisions to PLNSUB2016-00540 (remodel existing house rather than demolish and rebuild. 






Sally Barraclough
[email protected]