Blue Boutique Signs – A citizen complained that the signs were too big, and the city enforced on the sign.  Signs are allowed to be 25% of a window, in this case, the signs covered 100% of the window. Larger signs must be licensed.  Signs that face the outside are subject to the ordinance. Violations are complaint driven, the appellant is arguing this is arbitrary and capricious.  Despite several opportunities to do so, Appellant has cited no legal authority to support the specific legal doctrine upon which its extended arguments rely. The role of the Land Use Hearing Officer is not to create new constitutional law. The appeal from the Notice and Order is Denied.
Salt Lake City is proposing to add SRO’s as an allowable use in more zones than they are currently. They will add CSHBD 1 & 2, RMU zones, FB-SE (Form-based Streetcar Edge) and FB-SC (Form-based Streetcar Core).  These zones are all in Sugar House.  This was on the Planning Commission agenda July 11, and was sent back to staff for more editing.  The Wikipedia definition of SRO is:  “Single room occupancy (more commonly abbreviated to SRO) is a form of housing aimed at residents with low or minimal incomes in which, typically, single rooms without amenities such as kitchens, toilets or bathrooms, are rented out as a permanent residence to individuals, within a multi-tenant building with shared kitchens, toilets or bathrooms.
They will add CSHBD 1 & 2, RMU zones, FB-SE (Form-based Streetcar Edge) and FB-SC (Form-based Streetcar Core).  These zones are all in Sugar House.  This was on the Planning Commission agenda July 11, and was sent back to staff for more editing.  The Wikipedia definition of SRO is:  “Single room occupancy (more commonly abbreviated to SRO) is a form of housing aimed at residents with low or minimal incomes in which, typically, single rooms without amenities such as kitchens, toilets or bathrooms, are rented out as a permanent residence to individuals, within a multi-tenant building with shared kitchens, toilets or bathrooms.
SROs may constitute a form of affordable housing, in some cases for formerly or otherwise homeless individuals.[1] The term is primarily used in Canada and US. 
The term refers to the fact that the tenant rents a single room, as opposed to a flat.
A map is attached that shows where these could be allowed.(FB-SC and FB-SE) in addition to the parcels in the Sugar House Business District 1 and 2 zones.  There will be a public hearing on this at a later date.
The Fairmont -This is a six story apartment building on the NW corner of McClelland and Elm Avenue. They are asking to build 59 units and 79 parking stalls, with office space on the first floor.  This is scheduled for the Planning Commission on August 8.  The staff report should be here
1950 and 1960 South 1700 East (build 5 detached single family homes.) On the Planning Commission Agenda August 8.  Staff report is  here:
Sign Amendment in an Open Space Zone – Salt Lake Tennis and Health Club wanted to amend the zoningOrdinance to allow for additional signage in the Open Space Zoning District.They wanted to remove the cap of 60 square feet of flat signage on any structure in an OS zone.  Also, they requested a change in the allowable size of flat building signs from 5square feet per one foot of building facade length to 1.5 square foot for every one foot of building facade length for buildings with frontage on a controlled access road such as a freeway.  This was heard by the Planning Commission July 11. The PC approved sending a Favorable recommendation to the City Council to remove the cap of 60 square feet of flat signage in the OS Open Space District.
Sugar House Business District Design Guidelines
This project has been tabled until October.  Staff will be working on Ordinance drafts to comply with HB 2001, passed by the Utah Legislature July 16.
New Planned Development TAG 700 2593 South 700 East
This is a request for a planned development to develop the property with four single-family attached townhomes.  The applicant is asking for relief from the City’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance for a reduced interior yard setback, reduced landscaping butters, and to create lots without direct public street frontage.  Details can be found here:
Projects Waiting to be on Planning Commission Agenda
2660 South Highland Drive (Demolish historic home and create 4 single family houses with a private drive)
Projects Waiting for City Council Agenda
Crystal Avenue Alley Vacation
Next Meeting of SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee will be August 20 at 6 p.m. at The Legacy Sugar House, 1212 Wilmington Avenue, 5th Floor Fairmont Room.  Parking will be validated.
  • We have a development proposal called TAG 700 which is at 2593  South 700 East.  (See above)
  • There may be other agenda items added, watch your email or the website.
Judi Short
[email protected]