On March 27, the Planning Commission had a briefing on the city’s new update regarding Mitigation of Housing Loss This is a way to get some money from developers when they remove existing housing, and would go into the Housing Trust Fund.  We will hear more about this.
On April 18, there will be an Open House at the city building 451 S State Street Room 406 A & B to get feedback on an updated Downtown Sugar House Construction and Text Amendment.  This has to do with modifications to existing standards when construction is happening, like a temporary use permit to be able to modify things like off street parking, landscaping, setbacks, signs on a temporary basis during construction.  This policy was first enacted in 2006 and expired in 2008.  The city is going to update it and looks for feedback, especially from Sugar House, where we have had significant disruption in the flow of things while construction happens (think about 2100 South during the past year).And, what would we do without Bill Knowles to step in and get things straightened out? Here is the existing ordinance they will be updating.
SH items coming up on the Planning Commission agenda (dates not yet known):
The SHCC Land Use and Zoning meeting will be April 15 at 6 p.m. at the Legacy Sugar House, 5th floor, 6 p.m. Agenda items:
Judi Short
[email protected]