The Salt Lake City Planning Commission approved the Accessory Dwelling Unit for the property at 2324 Green Street, on April 24.
At the SH LUZ Committee on April 15, we reviewed a request to have a parcel at 1937 S 1200 East rezoned from RMF-35 to RMF-45.  The petitioner, Ned Skanchy, also owns the parcel to the South which is zoned RMF-45.  He said he wanted to do the rezone because that way he could get more units on the two parcels. And, the parcels could be combined so there would be a row of buildings facing the street, and another row behind.  Without the rezone, he would have to align the buildings from east to west on the parcels, which he felt was not as pleasing as street facing units.  The comments from those who attended the meeting, plus the neighbors in attendance, were generally  negative.  I also received a number of emails after the presentation by  attendees and neighbors.  The main comments were that they felt the neighborhood was already overcrowded with people, cars, and traffic, and the streets couldn’t absorb more traffic.  It is difficult to get out of their neighborhood now onto 2100 South or 1100 East at peak times of day.  There is cut through traffic from cars trying to avoid the intersection of 2100 South and 1100 East, and walking doesn’t always make them feel safe because the cars are speedy and not paying attention.
We forwarded a negative recommendation to the Planning Commission.
We also heard a presentation for 2188 Highland Drive.  This originally was a project known as Dixon Building.  However, it now has new owners and the project will be called Sugar Alley.  This project will have the same general footprint as the previous petition, with parking below grade and entrance to the parking garage from the west side.  This will be 186 housing units, and 16,000 square feet of retail on the ground floor.  You can read about the project here:, and they will be at the June 5 SHCC meeting from 6:15 to 7:00 to talk to you, show the drawings and explain the details.  Sugar Alley will be a wide walkway where the street to the south of the Vue is, with shops and restaurants, outdoor dining, etc.  No cars will be allowed..  We think this will be on the Planning Commission agenda June 12.
The Sugar House Business District Design Standards Text Amendment will be on the Planning Commission Agenda May 22 at 5:30 p.m.  Read about it here:  The city staff report will be found here by May 17.
The next meeting of the Land Use and Zoning Committee will be May 20 at 6 p.m. at The Legacy Sugar House, 1212 East Wilmington Avenue.  The agenda will include an Accessory Dwelling Unit at 1978 Windsor Ave . Review the project here:  and discussion of the Sugar House Construction Text Amendment.
  This has to do with exceptions to the zoning code that are made on a temporary basis to allow for construction to take place.  This has not been updated for some 15 years. This might be an opportunity to  put more teeth in the ordinance so that sidewalk access and traffic etc are not so congested during construction.  Bill Knowles will join us to give his ideas on what can be improved.
Judi Short
[email protected]