SH LUZ REPORT 2021 April

SH LUZ REPORT 2021 April

On the March 15 LUZ meeting, we discussed 1844 and 1852 E 2700 South Planned Development. This is in the R-1/12000 zone. The petitioners want to divide these two lots and make a third lot of approximately the same size, in the rear of one of the homes. There was much discussion. LUZ was told that we didn’t distribute the flyers to the entire subdivision, so we did a second distribution after the LUZ meeting March 15. I have two more weeks before my letter is due. You can read details about the project here and provide a comment using the form below.

Snelgrove Ice Cream Factory Property MP and Rezone at approximately 850 & 870 East 2100 South -Zoning Map Amendment (rezone) and Master Plan Amendment (from Commercial Corridor to CSHBD2 – Commercial Sugar House Business District 2) was approved at the Planning Commission (PC) Feb 24 meeting.  Design Review will be coming up on another PC meeting.

 We have had many questions about the small cell antennas (5G) that are being installed in the park strips in our neighborhoods.  Andrew Johnston, Salt Lake City Council wrote a summary of the regulations, which you can read here.  We apparently don’t have a lot of say in these, because there are state and Federal regulations that trump our city regulations.  And, each provider could install their own tower in the park strip.

Do you have an Air BnB operating in your neighborhood? These are not allowed in Salt Lake City, but we all know they are happening everywhere. The Legislature passed a bill that the city cannot go on line and look for an Air BnB and then go after them. But, if a citizen complains, the city is obligated to investigate and enforce against the violator. Here is the link if you have an iphone.

Here you can submit it on line.  Submit directly to the website  It is helpful if you have some photos to go along with your complaint. Another place you can go to REPORT ISSUES in your neighborhood is

Sugarmont Apartments – Boulder Ventures Building 1 should be open for occupancy mid-April.  The McClelland Street repaving is completed and the crosswalk at Sugarmont and McClelland has reopened.

2903 Highland Drive  The rezone from R-1/7000 to CB was approved at the PC meeting March 10.  This was a leftover piece of the parking lot still zoned for residential. The rezone now goes to City Council for final approval.

1583 Stratford Ave.  This was a request to rezone this parcel from RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential) to CN (Neighborhood Commercial). The Planning Commission Staff Report recommended denial. The action of the Planning Commission was to send a recommendation to deny the request to the City Council for final action.

Appeal of Planning Commission Decision for Windsor Court Planned Development at approximately 1966 S. Windsor Street – Lance Howell, the appellant and the property owner, is appealing a decision by the Salt Lake City Planning Commission that denied petition PLNPCM2020-00727, a Planned Development consisting of 17 units on an existing vacant lot. The subject property is within the RMF-35, Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential zoning district and City Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. A link to the original proposal is here. (Staff contact: Katia Pace at (385) 226-8499 or [email protected]Case number PLNAPP2021-00063  This appeal hearing will be held April 8 at 4 p.m.  It is not a public hearing, but you can watch the proceeding.  This alleges there was some mistake in the Planning Commission process. You can find instructions here  to view the hearing.

Architectural Nexus They came to our land use meeting in January. They want to build ADUs on their business site, which is not an allowable use in the CB zone.  So, they are requesting a text amendment to do this in a small designated portion of their property a 2545 E Parley’s Way. We now have the official request from the city which is described here.  We do not plan to have this on our LUZ agenda again, most everyone was in favor of the proposal and has worked out the noise issues with the petitioner.

You can still provide a comment via our website.

The next Land Use and Zoning meeting will be Monday, April 19 at 6 p.m. via Zoom.  Who knows what wonderful project will be before us at that time? Stand by.

Judi Short
[email protected]