Sugar Town – The rezone of the old Snelgrove parcels at 850 and 870 East 2100 South was approved July 20 by the Salt Lake City Council.  It is now CSHBD-2.  The building design will hopefully be coming up on the Planning Commission in August.  The latest drawings can be found here, you can send me comments from the form on our website.

1945 S 1300 East requested a zoning change from RMF 35 to RMF 45.  The Planning Commission approved that recommendation. This will need to be approved by the City Council.  The owner wishes to increase the number of units from 25 to 32-36 and add another floor of height. Here is the project.

We have a new Accessory Dwelling Unit 2274 Green Street. You can find details here.  This will be on the August 16 Land Use and Zoning Committee (Zoom) at 6 p.m. Use the comment for to give me feedback.

 We have three new text amendments, a bit obscure.  We are still taking comments, you can read the details on our website:

Design Review Ordinance Amendment: The purpose of the proposed changes is to clarify which standards of review apply to different design review applications. Some modifications require a review only of the relevant design review standards related to the request, while some require review of all the design review standards. This amendment will make the language in the ordinance clear so that all applications are processed in a uniform manner. The design standards themselves are not proposed to be modified with this amendment.

The proposal is to amend the text of 21A.59.050. The proposed amendments and the criteria for review are explained here:

If you would like to send me a comment about this, use this form:


Tech-Related Land Uses Amendment: Salt Lake City is experiencing rapid growth and the tech industry is a major contributor that growth. The tech industry changes rapidly and has shown the ability to change how people produce goods, how we work, how we socialize, and how we use data. The city’s zoning code doesn’t change at nearly the same rate as the tech industry and as a result has become a barrier to tech-related industries, most notably the bio-medical field of research and production of materials used in the research, diagnosis, and treatment of health-related illnesses. The purpose of this code amendment is to update the tech-related land use definitions and expand where those uses can be located in the city. This is a collaborative project between the Planning Division and the Department of Economic Development. Learn more about the proposal and take our survey by visiting our Tech Lake City Storymap! If you want to look at maps, and/or send me some comments about this, use this form.


Electric Vehicle Readiness Parking Text Amendment: Salt Lake City’s Sustainability Department is proposing a zoning text amendment to the City’s Off-Street Parking chapter to include new standards for electric vehicle-ready (EV-ready) infrastructure for multi-family new-construction properties.

The proposed additional requirements stipulate that a minimum of 20% of on-site parking spaces be constructed EV-ready, meaning that they will include electrical conduit and sufficient electrical capacity for the future use of a minimum 200-volt electric vehicle charging station. EV-ready parking spaces do not require an installed charging station.


The proposed EV-ready requirement is in addition to the existing EVSE-related requirement of 1 electric vehicle charging station per 25 required parking spaces for multi-family properties. Read the notice letter, and the proposal.


You can send me comments about the EV Readiness Parking here:


The next Land Use and Zoning Committee will be August 16 at 6 pm by zoom.  Send me a comment to get a link to the meeting.  We will have the 2274 Green Street ADU on the agenda and probably several other projects.


Judi Short
[email protected]