The SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee met Monday February 8.  We discussed a T-Mobile Cell Tower Expanded Array.  I have only had a few comments about this.  We discussed the proposed Alley Vacation at 938 Elm Street. We had a lot of discussion and I’ve received a number of comments.  The alley has several buildings in it, built a long time ago before the present owners lived on Elm. And there is an apparent crime element which just seems to be getting worse. Although we don’t usually like to close alleys, it may make sense in this case.  The other half of this alley is already closed. You may still submit comments through the above links.

We also talked about the Off Street Parking Text Amendments. This is a very long report, start reading at page 176.  The City Council held their first briefing February 16 and the public hearing will be March 2.  There is still time to send me comments. I’m told the Council won’t e voting on this any time soon.

1583 Stratford.  Haven’t heard anything from the petitioner in over a month and right now staff is recommending denial.

Sugar Town Rezone  and Izzy South Design Review are both on the Planning Commission agenda for Feb 24. Both staff reports are on our website under these links.  Comments for Izzy can only be about the materials change, not the other issues we discussed, sorry..  Here is a link to PC agenda.

I have had many requests to know what is going on behind the chain link fence at 2195 South 900 East. Here is a link to what we know.  This should be an over the counter permit so we won’t get to review it and provide comments.

AGENDA SHCC Land Use Committee MARCH 15 at 6 p.m.

So far, we have one item. Someone wants to talk about building a duplex or triplex at 1390 Downington Avenue, to replace the house that apparently is falling apart. It would require a zone change.

Judi Short
[email protected]