On September 7, the City Council received a briefing about a proposal that would vacate a portion of City-owned alley situated adjacent to properties at 968 East Elm Avenue, 974 East Elm Avenue, 980 East Elm Avenue, and 2188 South 1000 East. A public hearing on the topic is Tuesday, Oct. 5 and tentative Council action is Tuesday, October 19. To watch or participate in the public hearing, go here.  Or, you can send a written comment to [email protected].

The SLC Planning Commission has reviewed three projects of interest to Sugar House.  First was the request to allow Rooftop Commercial Uses In FB-SE Zone (Form Based Special Purpose Streetcar Edge).  You can read the proposal, including the staff report here.  A positive recommendation will go to the City Council for final action.

Tech Related Land Uses – A proposal initiated by Mayor Erin Mendenhall to add tech related land uses to the zoning code and identify the zoning districts where the new tech related land uses would be allowed and under what conditions the uses may be allowed. The proposal impacts zoning districts citywide and impacts multiple sections of Title 21A Zoning. Related provisions of Title 21A may also be amended as part of this petition. Information on this proposal can be found at ACTION: A positive recommendation was forwarded to City Council.

Significant Water Consuming Land Uses Text Amendment – Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a petition to amend the text of the zoning ordinance related to land uses that consume significant amounts of water. The proposal would implement a limit on the amount of water that certain land uses can utilize. The limit affects multiple zones and multiple land uses citywide. The ordinance also amends and clarifies the definitions of related land use terms. Other related standards of Title 21A Zoning may be amended as part of this petition. You can read about this proposal here. A positive recommendation was forwarded to City Council for final action.

On September 21, the City Council approved amending the City Code Pertaining to Fence, Wall and Hedge Height Requirements. This removed the Special Exception process that allows for over-height fences (Chapter 21A.52.030) and to define instances where a taller fence may be appropriate and approved by right (Chapter 21A.40.120). The proposed amendments would limit fence, wall, and hedge height to four feet (4’) in front yards and six feet (6’) in the side or rear yards for all zoning districts, except for a few specific instances. Those instances include when a residential district abuts a nonresidential district, manufacturing and extractive industries zoning districts, public facilities and recreation facilities where a greater height is necessary to protect public safety, private game courts, and construction fencing. Additionally, the Planning Commission and the Historic Landmark Commission would have the authority to grant additional fence, wall, or hedge height as part of a land use application. The amendments proposed to Chapter 21A.40 will affect all zoning districts throughout the City. Petition No.: PLNPCM2020-00511

At the September 20 meeting of the SHCC LUZ meeting, we discussed a proposal for a rezone of the parcel at 2435 S 500 East, in the Nibley neighborhood, from R-1/7000 to RMF 35. This would allow for some town homes to be built, to replace the single-family home on the parcel. The parcel is almost an acre in size. No drawings were available, the schedule for this project is not yet determined.

We also talked about the Sugar House Business District Design Guidelines, a topic we have been working on since at least 2014. These have never been codified since the Master Plan was adopted in 2005. You can read about the proposal, and provide some comments to us here. This will be on the City Council agenda for a final decision sometime in the future, we hope it is sooner rather than later.

The next meeting of the SHCC LUZ Committee is by zoom on October 11 at 6 p.m. One item on the agenda will be the rezone of the parcel where the old Sugar House Fire Station #3 used to be.  You can read the details here.


Judi Short
[email protected]