The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for the March 22 meeting of the Planning Commission.  You can watch here on our website for details on how you can participate.  We would like to see a big crowd of folks at this meeting to express our disapproval of this proposal. Remember to make sure your comments address the Conditional Use Criteria.  This will likely be a hybrid meeting, but we think it is preferable to attend in person if you plan to speak. You will get two minutes. Or, you can still send me a written comment up until the day of the meeting.

The project at 1583 Stratford Ave is also tentatively scheduled for the Planning Commission in March 2023. We now have a one-page drawing of their new plans along with a Restricted Use Agreement, which says they will provide six apartment units on the parcel.  You still have a chance to send us comments, using the link describing the project above.

The City Council had its public Hearing on February 7 on Accessory Dwelling Units and is expected to vote on that ordinance on February 21.  They were also briefed on the Urban Forest Action Plan, and will also vote on that on February 21.  If the Sugar House community was ever given a chance to weigh in on that plan, none of us remember, but it is a very good plan. If properly implemented we will have a good spread-out tree canopy over the city with diverse tree specimens.  Growing too many of one type of tree can lead to devastation if it is vulnerable to a disease or insect that wipes out all of them.

The City Council was briefed on the Local Link Study, which will update the Sugar House Circulation Plan. The public hearing is scheduled for February 21, and a tentative vote is scheduled for March 7.

Salt Lake City Schools would like an amendment to the Sign Zoning Ordinance to allow for pole signs on public and private school campuses.  You can read about the proposal here. They are basically trying to make a framework in the ordinance to legalize all existing school signs, and have some rules going forward.  This was approved by the Planning Commission on February 8 and will go to the City Council.

The city is still working on a number of proposals. The Affordable Housing Incentives, Housing Mitigation, Thriving in Place report, and  Anti-Displacement Framework.  The City Council approved the Homeless Resource Text Amendments on December 14, 2022.  We should see more about these others in the new year. The Affordable Housing Overlay briefing is scheduled for March 8 at the Planning Commission meeting.  We expect the report to be available on the Planning Commission Agenda website probably the Friday before the meeting.

At the SHCC LUZ meeting on January 9, the committee approved a request to subdivide a duplex and form a Planned Unit Development. The address is 2148 South 2060 East.  The Planning Commission approved this on January 25.  It will go to City Council for final approval.  Here you can read the plans.

At both the January and February LUZ meetings, we heard the proposal for the Tenth and Elm project, but have not yet seen any plans.  More information will be on our website as it becomes available.

The March meeting of the SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee (LUZ) will be March 20 at 6 p.m. via zoom.

We will have three new Text Amendments to discuss.

  1. Sight Distance Triangle, which has to do with having clear vision zone areas at each intersection of streets, driveways and streets, and driveways and sidewalks. It also includes the regulation of fences, walls, and hedges, and this will add other structures, including buildings.
  2. Drive-Through Uses in the Sugar House Business District. The amendment would prohibit drive-throughs in the Sugar House Business District zones (CSHBD1 and CSHBD2). I don’t believe it will take away any existing drive-throughs but will prohibit new ones.
  3. Landscaping and Landscape Buffers. This will initiate the implementation of the Urban Forest Action Plan. It will make the chapter more user-friendly, talk about best practices for improved compliance and conservation,  reduce unnecessary water consumption by requiring water-wise and drought-tolerant landscaping choices, and many other things.

Follow the above links to read about these text amendments, and use the form to give me your comments.

Judi Short
[email protected]