We discussed three city-wide land use proposals at the February Land Use Meeting. The Garage Ordinance would consolidate parking in the downtown districts. When we adopt the MU ordinances, there will also be a component for Sugar House. Here is the link. Please read the proposal and send me comments. We will discuss it in more detail at the March 17 LUZ. We have until the 20th to get comments to me so I can write a letter from us.
We also discussed Residential Buffers. You may have noticed that as the city revises the ordinances, the lot size required will be smaller, and the buildings will be closer together.
The Planning Commission has asked to review the land uses that are, or should be, subject to the 1000′ prohibition from residential zoning districts. They ask whether other uses should be prohibited, clarify whether the distance applies to the property or boundary of a use, and other related provisions that may help protect the health and safety of residents. The details are here. (Scroll down on the city Open House page to find the project).
We also discussed the RMF-35 and RMF-45 Multi-Family Zoning Merger. The city has not done a good assessment of where these zones occur. There are many areas where a whole street of 30’ bungalows or boxcar two-story apartments are zoned RMF 35, that would be rezoned to RMF 45 in this scenario. Then the city tells us they could be converted to cottages or courts. That is not what is going to happen, the developer will go for the highest use, and build the largest building possible, are 55’ apartments extending back through the lot, next to short bungalows. And, because this is a city-wide zoning change there will be no community benefit required. That fact is not being discussed. We aren’t opposed to the graceful introduction of more housing in our neighborhoods, but we don’t want out-of-scale housing not within the character of the neighborhood. Follow the link and read about it. Scroll down on the SLC Open House page to find it. I need your comments right away so I can get this letter finished this weekend.
The next LUZ meeting will be March 17 at 6 pm at Sprague Library. So far on the agenda is consolidation of parking in downtown, and parking changes that could be rolled out in Sugar House when the new MU zoning is in place. I will get that posted shortly.
At the March 5 Sugar House Community Council, we will see the latest proposal for a project on the Sizzler site. There is nothing on our website yet, we haven’t seen any drawings.