Salt Lake City Housing Plan On April 22, the Planning Commission agreed to forward the Salt Lake City Housing Plan to the City Council.  Here is a link :
This won’t by heard by the City Council until probably August, after they have approved the city budget for next year, so you have plenty of time to comment.  You could attend their public hearing (date unknown at this time) or you could send an email to council.commnets@slcgovcom.
Early Notification Text Amendments – Salt Lake City is reviewing proposed changes to the regulations and processes relating to early notification of the public and recognized community organizations. The purpose of the proposed changes is to clarify the language in the ordinance as well as increase awareness and participation by the public while affording a timely review process for applicants and projects. The proposed regulation changes will affect various sections of the City Code including Section 2.60, Recognized Community Organizations, Title 20, Subdivisions and Title 21A, Zoning Ordinance. Related provisions of the City Code may also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff contact: Cheri Coffey at (801) 535-6188 [email protected]). At a work session on May 24, the Planning Commission  suggested there was more work to be done on these revisions.
Shopko Project – This project continues to evolve.  The developers have been taking many of our concerns to heart, and working to improve the project and make Stringham Avenue feel more walkable.  They are hampered by the fact that a development agreement with the owners of the rest of the Sugar House Center limits them to only adding 8,000 sf of retail space on the Shopko project.  The Planning Commission talked about making the building materials and design feel more like Sugar House, rather than an office complex in the south part of our valley.  That means some red brick, and a softer, less modern design.  I know that retail has been added on the north side of the U Health building, with doors, windows, and blade signs.  They are working to figure out how to put the retail on the north side of the parking terrace.  We hope we will see some improvements at our June 7 meeting.
Landon Clark
[email protected]