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The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for a January meeting of the Planning Commission.  And, we know it is not on January...

The city is still working on a number of proposals. Homeless Resource Text Amendments, Affordable Housing Overlay, Housing Mitigation.  They are currently working on the Thriving in Place report, and  Anti-Displacement Framework Anti-Displacement Framework, The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open...

DRIVE THROUGH in SUGAR HOUSE The Planning Commission held a discussion (not a public hearing) about whether or not a drive-through should be allowed in the CSHBD (Commercial Sugar House Business District 1 and 2) zones. After much discussion, the conversation was tabled until...

At our April LUZ meeting, we discussed the Affordable Housing Overlay Zone, now called Affordable Housing Incentives, which is complicated and quite a lot to understand.  The revised plan is here. Comments are due by May 1!  If you have not made comments, please do...

  At our March 21 Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting (LUZ), we discussed an ADU at 617 Driggs Avenue, which is a conversion of a garage to an ADU. You can read the plans and provide a comment for me at We also...

The Harvey, a mixed-use project at 501 E 2700 South was approved by the Planning Commission on February 9.  The request was for a planned development of 15 residential and one commercial unit, in the CN (Neighborhood Community Zone) to be privately owned. You can...