Author: Sugar House Council

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes Meeting Minutes- July 1, 2015 Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Landon Clark, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole...

Thousands of Salt Lake Valley residents will celebrate the 4th of July in Sugar House, and this year, they will be able to take transit before and after the Arts Festival and Fireworks. Visitors will be able to avoid getting stuck in traffic thanks to an...

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes Meeting Minutes- June 3, 2015 Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Deborah Henry, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, David...

The Sugar House Community Council in partnership is sponsoring a Mayoral Debate on July 28th. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become informed and vote in this primary election. All Salt Lake City residents will receive a ballot in the mail starting around July 14th. All...

Sugar House HEART & SOUL MUSIC STROLL – A FREE celebration of music by and for friends and neighbors – no matter what neighborhood you’re from. Start tuning up for Salt Lake’s coolest music party! Heart & Soul Music Stroll, will take place Saturday, June 13th...

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes Meeting Minutes- May 6, 2015 Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Lucy Hawes, Deborah Henry, Topher Horman, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Sue Ann Jones, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short,...

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Minutes Meeting Minutes- April  1, 2015 Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Deborah Henry, Topher Horman, Michael G Kavanagh, David Mulder, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young Trustees Excused Absent: Teddy Anderson, Robin Bastar,  Lucy...

WORK BEGINS JULY 8th thru JULY 29th See the 14 day notice for a project description and contact numbers should you have questions. Salt Lake City Public Utilities will be continuing the sewer replacement on Highland Dr from 2100 S to Stringham Ave starting in the Spring 2016. The...