LUZ Reports

At the March 12 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for the combining of RMF-35 and RMF-45. Into one zone with a maximum building height of 45' feet tall. They voted to table the proposal for now, and do further study. At the...

We discussed three city-wide land use proposals at the February Land Use Meeting. The Garage Ordinance would consolidate parking in the downtown districts. When we adopt the MU ordinances, there will also be a component for Sugar House. Here is the link. Please read the...

On January 8, the Planning Commission reviewed a request to vacate the Alley at 2860 Chadwick. They will forward a recommendation to approve the closure to the City Council. Salt Lake City announced a name change for its Redevelopment Agency, now officially known as the Salt...

The Planning Commission approved the Sugar House Townhomes at 2222 Lake Street on December 11. Follow this link to learn about the project. The Alley Vacation at 2860 Chadwick is on the Planning Commission agenda for January 8 at 5:30.  Here is information about this project. You can attend the...

The Planned Development project at 1935 S 900 East, is tentatively scheduled for the December 11 Planning Commission meeting.    This is a project where one house is already on the lot, and the proposal is to divide the lots into three parcels and add two more...

On Oct. 1, the City Council approved a rezone request and development agreement to facilitate Intermountain Health’s development of an urban hospital on the former Sears site at approximately 754 S State Street. The property is now zoned as D-1 (Central Business District) from D-2...

SHCC LUZ  REPORT OCTOBER 2024 I hope by now you have heard that on September 11, the Planning Commission denied the two petitions from Wells Fargo.  Here is a link to the video if you would like to watch  it. The minutes for the meeting have not...

NEW WELLS FARGO PROJECT -We have learned that the New Proposal for a new Zone on the Wells Fargo parcel will be on the September 11 Planning Commission Agenda at 5:30 pm Room 326 Salt Lake City Building 451 S State Street. This will include...

This is an interim newsletter to try to clarify what all is going on with Land Use in Sugar House. Salt Lake City has been working on its zone consolidation project.  They are consolidating 27 zones into nine.  You can read about them here. Sign up for...

Salt Lake City has been working on its zone consolidation project.  They are consolidating 27 zones into nine.  You can read about them here. Sign up for the updates to keep up with the project, and don’t miss a deadline. So far, they have combined...