Sugar House Construction Projects
Updated report
April 23, 2024
Sugar Alley - Lowe Development
Location: 2200 S. Highland Drive.
Start date: Fall 2020.
Est. completion: Early 2025.
Project description: Mixed use residential.
Update: Re-construction continues on site with five floors are in place on the building and framing complete. Work is now focusing...
Sugar House Construction Projects
Updated report
December 31, 2024
Sugar Alley - Lowe Development
Location: 2200 S. Highland Drive.
Start date: Fall 2020.
Est. completion: Spring 2025.
Project description: Mixed use residential.
Update: Finishing work continues on the interior of the building. The re-build is expected to be completed by early spring 2025....
We have received the application for CVS on the NW corner of 2100 South and 1300 East. They are asking for permission to vacate a public alley. They are also requesting a re-zone of the two properties located at 2046 and 2036 South 1300 East in order...
This is a request for approval to build a six story apartment building on the SW corner of Elm Avenue and McClelland. The development is 60′ in height, includes 59 apartments and 79 parking spaces. Buildings over 30′ in height in the Sugar House Business...
UPDATE March 2020 - This project has a new builder and should soon begin construction.
This is a request for a Planned Development in an R 1/7000 Single-Family Residential District. Clayton Homes, representing Ronald Janet and David Hopkins, owners of the two subject parcels, has proposed...
The Planning Division has received a Planned Development petition for a proposed three-unit single-family attached dwelling project on a single parcel located at 1316 E. Downington Avenue. The property is approximately 0.28 acres (12,150 square feet) in size. Per the request, the front yard setback would...
Salt Lake City has withdrawn its request to have us review Text Amendments for Lot Width Standards in Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts. Planning is going to move forward with changes to housing mitigation first. Housing mitigation usually means if you tear down a housing unit, but don’t...
On February 14, the Planning Commission approved the townhomes at 2473 South 700 East. The driveway was moved to the North, rather than the South side of the project, which made it more appealing.
On February 28, the Planning Commission approved changes to Conditional Building and...
Salt Lake City Planning has been working on updating the East Bench Master Plan for 4 years. You can learn more about the process and read the full plan here.
Right now they are soliciting public comments. Please take the time to learn more and give comments.