Land Use & Zoning

City Council will vote on November 10 whether or not to move the Fire Station #3 to the parking lot of Forestdale Golf Course on 900 East. Plan Salt Lake - Public Hearing November 17 and December 1 at the City Council. Nov 10 - Public Hearing...

The Planning Commission approved the rezone of 5 parcels at 1300 East from Westminster Avenue north.  Those parcels are owned by Westminster and will allow them to be used for Institutional uses, instead of just housing.  Westminster inaugurated their new president Steve Morgan.  He has been on campus 34 years and has worked with our council many times in the past.

UPDATE: The FIRST PROJECT SUBMITTED information is found below and kept on this page for historical reference ONLY. July 8, 2016 The community council portion of this project is completed. We submitted all the comments we received and a report to SLC Planning. The developer is currently...

21st and 21st Small Area Master Plan - On August 12, the Planning Staff will provide the Planning Commission an update on the 21st and 21st Small Area Master Plan. The project includes an area stretching along 2100 South from approximately 2000 East to 2300 East. The small area master plan will address the characteristics of the future development of this neighborhood. The goal of this plan is to create an improved and beautified business district that is a unique destination but still remains compatible in scale with nearby neighborhoods. The plan will establish guidelines for private development, public spaces such as sidewalks, park strips and streets. The plan is currently finishing up the data gathering stage and is moving towards scenario development. (Staff contact John Anderson (801) 535-7214 or )
An update to the 21st & 21st Small Area Plan will be given at the Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, August 12th at the City & County Building, 451 S State St at 5:30pm.   The Planning Staff will provide the Planning Commission an update. The project includes an area stretching along 2100 South from approximately 2000 East to 2300 East. The small area master plan will address the characteristics of the future development of this neighborhood. The goal of this plan is to create an improved and beautified business district that is a unique destination but still remains compatible in scale with nearby neighborhoods. The plan will establish guidelines for private development, public spaces such as sidewalks, park strips and streets. The plan is currently finishing up the data gathering stage and is moving towards scenario development.  Many of you probably attended the recent Open House. (Staff contact John Anderson (801) 535-7214 or )
2855 Highland Drive Rezone.  The City Council passed a motion that approved the rezone of the small parcel from  R 1/7000 to CB, with the condition that the applicant enters into a development agreement with the City that requires the following:
The Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting was cancelled for Monday,  May 18.  As far as we know, there are no new projects available to review at this time.
May 19 7:00 p.m. the City Council reviewed the request to rezone the parcel  from residential to CB at 2855 Highland Drive, and remove the parcel from our Future Land Use Plan as Open Space..  The Planning Commission has already recommended approval, but the City Council has the final say.  It is my understanding that some neighbors east of the project attended the public hearing, and asked for a 40’ rear setback between this development and their Planned Unit Development.  There already is a 6’ grade change between the two parcels.  Staff tells me that the developer has now purchased the parcel, and is planning to put townhouse or condominiums on the parcel.  However, he doesn’t think he can make it work if the 40’ setback is imposed.  I don’t recall hearing anyone make that request of us during our conversations.
SLC TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN 4/8/15 AT Planning Commission- the city is currently in a listening process, talking to stakeholder groups.  The team leader is Tom Brennan. Nelson Nygaard  and Kathleen Sullivan are the Stakeholder Team. Chris Jones and Julianne Sabula are the SLC Transportation folks assigned to this project.  One thing they will be addressing is level of service and frequency.  They plan to use the Jingle Bus to drive around town and survey folks.  Then they will layout our options and determine what they really mean.
We did not have a committee meeting in March.
We have a draft of a letter to the Planning Commission, and have been waiting to finalize it for the petitioner to respond to the questions from our Vision Statement.  We have that response now, and the committee was disappointed in the answers. So, I will finalize my letter and send it off this week.
On April 9 the Planning Commission will get a briefing on the SLC Transit Master Plan, and also the new Landscape Ordinance called Park strip/Water Wise.