The Salt Lake City Planning Division is proposing a text amendment to update the standards related to mobile businesses, which includes retail businesses operated from trucks, trailers, and vending carts. In 2017 and 2023, Utah State code was amended to expand where these types of businesses are...
Salt Lake City proposes ordinance changes concerning the enforcement of buildingconstruction including the maintenance of unsecured, boarded or unsafe buildings. Associatedpermit fees are also to be considered to be amended as follows:• Modernize/reflect the City’s existing zoning enforcement process and incorporate thatsame process into Title...
The Planning Commission has approved the daycare ordinance changes, to hopefully make it easier for someone to set up a daycare in their home. We are short some 20,000 daycare positions, and once the Federal subsidy stops in December, there will be a bigger need. ...
The Planning Division has received a request and is notifying your organization to solicit comments on the proposal, which impacts properties within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District. This will impact properties within the H Historic Preservation Overlay District in Local or National Historic Districts Mayor Erin...
The Salt Lake City Planning Division is working on a new subdivision code, which would update the existing subdivision rules to comply with recently adopted state code requirements. Our current zoning code describes a subdivision as any land that is divided, subdivided, or proposed to...
DO YOU EVER WONDER HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE CITY? Check out this website You can ask questions of most every department in the city and if you don’t know who to ask, use the link at the bottom to send a general question. DO...
(This will be on the SHCC Land Use and Zoning LUZ agenda September 18 6 p.m. Sprague LIbrary) The City’s Planning Division is considering updates to portions of the Land Use Code to implementpolicies identified in Thriving in Place to mitigate involuntary displacement due to developmentpressure....
Thriving in Place - The Salt Lake City Planning Commission voted to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council for the adoption of the Thriving in Place plan. Salt Lake City spent the last two years working with a consultant to understand displacement and...
Mayor Mendenhall has initiated a petition directing the Salt Lake Planning Division to update the SLC Zoning Ordinance, and the Historic Residential and Multifamily/Historic Apartment Design Guidelines, to address the use of vinyl windows in new construction projects in the city's local historic districts (LHDs). ...