Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

Sugar Town – The rezone of the old Snelgrove parcels at 850 and 870 East 2100 South was approved July...

The New SLC_Phase 2_for community councils...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley 7:10 Fire Update 7:15 District 7 CIU Detective Nathan Miser 7:25 Salt Lake Mayor's Office Liaison-Tim Cosgrove 7:30 Michael G's Spotlight on...

The August 25 meeting of the SLC Planning Commission had three projects of interest to Sugar House.  First was the...

July 2021 SHCC Minutes Welcome-Chair Adam Weinacker and Sue Watson have termed out and have decided to not reup their petition.  Our...

June 2021 Minutes Welcome Chair We received a letter from the neighbors along Highland Drive about the ongoing LocalLink Study of Highland...

UPDATE:    The Planning Commission approved this project 9/8/21.  Based on the information in this staff report, Staff recommends that...

7:00 Welcome-Landon Clark, Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley, Treasurer 7:10 Fire Station #3 Update 7:15 LIberty Division Detective Nathan Meinzer 7:25 Construction Update-BIll Knowles 7:35 SLC Mayor's Office...