Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – March 6, 2019 Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Laurie Bray, Landon Clark, Sue Ann...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Erika Wiggins Seliger Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley 7:15 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Trails, Parks and Open Spaces-Sally Barraclough Arts and Culture-Meggie...

In December 2018, the Planning Commission had a briefing on the Sugar House Business District Design Standards  There was...

The first Accessory Dwelling Unit to be reviewed in Sugar House.  2324 Green Street, this will be an internal Accessory...

With the continuing population increase of Sugar House, now is the time to look a possible expansion of the Fairmont...

Based on feedback we received at a recently held community meeting, the 2700 South Reconstruction Project Team decided to reduce...

Sugar House Community Council Trustee Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2019 Trustees Present: Mike Bagley, Sally Barraclough, Landon Clark, Deborah Henry,...

Overview During the 2019 road construction season, we’ll reconstruct this segment of 2500 East and Downington Avenue, from Foothill Drive to 2500...