SH LUZ REPORT 2023 October

SH LUZ REPORT 2023 October


Check out this website  You can ask questions of most every department in the city and if you don’t know who to ask, use the link at the bottom to send a general question.


Maybe you are driving, or walking and see a problem, like a yard full of junk, or a street sign that is broken, or remodeling without a permit.  The app SLCMOBILE can be put on your phone.  When you see an issue, take a photo or two, and send a comment and your name along with the photo to the city using the app. The city  can pinpoint the issue from the gps on the photo, and forward the problem on to the proper department to fix the issue. If you get a response in a bit that says “completed” that means they have forwarded it on to the right person, that does not mean the issue is cleared up. Be sure to keep tabs and bug the city if it doesn’t get corrected.

The City Council:

  • Received briefings on proposed alley vacations at approximately 2167 South 800 East and 827 East Wilmington Ave. The public hearings and Council action are scheduled in the coming weeks.
  • Was briefed on Thriving in Place on 9/12,
  • A briefing on Affordable Housing Incentives happened September 19.

The Community, including SHCC received:

  • Notice to review updates to the Land Use Code to mitigate involuntary displacement due to development Pressure. This will include the creation of a new Title 19 General Plan and amendments to Title 21A.50 Amendments. This calls for the creation of a tenant relocation assistance program for households that are displaced; replacement housing requirement for demolitions associated with requested amendments; new standards for consideration when analyzing a zoning or general plan amendment that encompasses impacts from potential displacement .Details can be found here.
  • There will be two more Open Houses where you can get your questions answered September 28 at Sorenson Unity Center Black Box Theater 5-7 pm 1383 S 900 W, and October 4 a SLC Public Library Conference room B 6-730 210 E 400 South.
  • Please send your comments on this one to [email protected]. The LUZ committee is working in pairs to study these and try to make sense out of them and needs your feedback.
  • Child Daycare and Home Daycare is being reviewed, you can read about it here:
  • Salt Lake City is short 20,000 spots for children who need daycare, so they have been working with the state to get the approval process less onerous, less expansive and less time consuming to try to get more daycare facilities up and running. Please send your commends to [email protected], as we have to write our letter this week.

The next meeting of the LUZ will be October 16 at 6 p.m.

Judi Short
[email protected]