Twenty Ones Tag

SH LAND USE REPORT 2022 JUNE   At the May 11 Planning Commission, we had three items of interest to Sugar House residents: Sugar House Heights (2660 S Highland Drive) -There were some modifications to the design and materials of this home. The Planning Commission approved the...

SH LUZ REPORT 2021 FEBRUARY  At the January 3 meeting of the SLC Planning Commission, the request for a Planned Development at 1966 Windsor was denied.  In talking with the planner, it is possible that the petitioner will Design a new project for this land that...

UPDATE:  THIS PROJECT IS FINISHED AND HAS A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AS OF NOVEMBER 2024.UPDATE:  Since the project was approved on September 30, 2021, some changes were made.  They are detailed in the staff report pages 1-30. This will be heard by the Planning...