Author: Judi Short

At the May 20 Land Use and Zoning Committee, we reviewed and approved an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) at 1978 Windsor Street. We also had a discussion about the Salt Lake and Sugar House Construction Text Amendments.  Bill Knowles was present to talk about the issues. On...

  This is a proposal to  construct a new detached accessory structure that contains an Accessory Dwelling  Unit (ADU) at 2250 South 1800 East. The structure will have a footprint of 640 square feet, and would be approximately 17' in height.  The dwelling would contain 1...

The Salt Lake City Planning Commission approved the Accessory Dwelling Unit for the property at 2324 Green Street, on April 24. At the SH LUZ Committee on April 15, we reviewed a request to have a parcel at 1937 S 1200 East rezoned from RMF-35 to...

DOWNTOWN AND SUGAR HOUSE CONSTRUCTION TEXT AMENDMENTS This ordinance exists so that occasionally existing ordinances can be modified temporarily to mitigate construction activities.  It has not been updated since 2006.  This could be our opportunity to tighten these up a big, so we don't see the...

We have a conditional use application for a new accessory dwelling unit (ADU) at 1978 Windsor Street in the R-1/7000 Zone. The proposal is for a 1 bedroom, 637 square foot detached ADU above a garage. See the description, and come to the SHCC Land...

On March 27, the Planning Commission had a briefing on the city’s new update regarding Mitigation of Housing Loss.  This is a way to get some money from developers when they remove existing housing, and would go into the Housing Trust Fund.  We will hear...

UPDATE: This project began construction in November of 2020.  Unfortunately, October 28 2022, there was a big fire.  Construction crews began rebuilding Sugar Alley on August 28, 2023, just under a year after a fire swept through the wood-framed mixed-use building on Highland Drive and...

UPDATE: This project was approved by the Planning Commission in January 2020. The petitioner owns two lots:  1937 South 1200 East, which is currently zoned RMF 35, and the lot to the south zoned RMF 45. He wants to build 14-16 for rent townhomes on the...

In December 2018, the Planning Commission had a briefing on the Sugar House Business District Design Standards  There was an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday, March 6 from 5-7 p.m. at the new Sugar House Fire Station #3. The station is located at 2425 South...

We saw this proposal several years ago, on the corner of 900 East and 2700 South, minus the small apartment building and the billboard.  It was approved, but because they didn't build it in time, that approval has expired and they need to reapply.  This...