LUZ Reports

SUGAR HOUSE IS TWO WORDS! Wells Fargo  - They are still working with the city, we assume to make changes to their original proposal.  if the new zone gets approved every parcel in that zone would be eligible, but each one would have to apply individually...

The city continues its revision of the zoning code, and we reviewed text amendments at our December LUZ meeting. Building Services Ordinance (Construction Enforcement, Fines, Boarded Buildings etc) This was a pretty technical revision, and we did not write a letter. Mobile Business Text Amendment...

On December 5 the  Salt Lake City Council voted to approve Affordable Housing Incentives (AHI) zoning changes to encourage affordable housing construction across the City. This landmark decision comes after months of thorough Council deliberations, underscoring the City's commitment to making Salt Lake City an affordable place to live despite growth and change. The...

In the November Planning Commission meeting, the General Plan and Zoning Amendments (Community Benefit Ordinance was approved with conditions and will now go on to the City Council for final approval. 2903 Highland Drive was approved as a Planned Development and for Design Standards. The citywide Transportation...

The Planning Commission has approved the daycare ordinance changes, to hopefully make it easier for someone to set up a daycare in their home. We are short some 20,000 daycare positions, and once the Federal subsidy stops in December, there will be a bigger need. ...

DO YOU EVER WONDER HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE CITY? Check out this website  You can ask questions of most every department in the city and if you don’t know who to ask, use the link at the bottom to send a general question. DO...

Thriving in Place - The Salt Lake City Planning Commission voted to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council for the adoption of the Thriving in Place plan. Salt Lake City spent the last two years working with a consultant to understand displacement and...

The KUM AND GO in Sugar House is no longer. They their appeal with the city over denial of the conditional use for a gas station and convenience store at 2111 S 1300 East.  Apparently they are not going to take the case to district...

Kum and Go appealed the Planning Commission decision to deny the project.  The appeal hearing was held June 15.  The Appeals Hearing Officer for this appeal was Mary Woodhead, she said she expected her decision would be out in two weeks, but might take longer. Thriving...

The following items were on the April 26 Planning Commission, and were approved: Landscaping and Landscape Buffer Prohibition of Drive-Throughs in CSHBD1 and 2 Affordable Housing Incentives Housing SLC The following item was on the April 26 Planning Commission, and was denied: 1782 S 1600 East...