Land Use & Zoning

NEW PETITION The Planning Division has received a Planned Development petition for a proposed three-unit single-family attached dwelling project on a single parcel located at 1316 E. Downington Avenue.  The property is approximately 0.28 acres (12,150 square feet) in size.  Per the request, the front yard setback would...

Salt Lake City has withdrawn its request to have us review Text Amendments for Lot Width Standards in Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts. Planning is going to move forward with changes to housing mitigation first.  Housing mitigation usually means if you tear down a housing unit, but don’t...

On February 14, the Planning Commission approved the townhomes at 2473 South 700 East.  The driveway was moved to the North, rather than the South side of the project, which made it more appealing. On February 28, the Planning Commission approved changes to Conditional Building and...

Salt Lake City Planning has been working on updating the East Bench Master Plan for 4 years. You can learn more about the process and read the full plan here. Right now they are soliciting public comments. Please take the time to learn more and give comments. East...

UPDATE : This proposal was denied by the Planning Commission Applicant LRHammel Realty, LLC owns land located at 2471 South 1700 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84106, upon which Applicant's affiliate, LRHammel Management dba Salt Lake Tennis & Health Club ("SLT"), operates a tennis and health facility. 

The Land Use and Zoning Committee met March 19.  We discussed the request for achange to the Maximum Area per Sign Face for flat signs in Open Space Districts to be as large as 200 square feet.  Currently, a 60 square foot sign is allowed. Crystal...

Changes to the Accessory Dwelling Units  Ordinance has been sent back to Planning by the City Council on December 5 for one more round of edits.  Hopefully, this will be back on their agenda in January. There is not consensus among the members. The City Council...

A request by Carlos Nunez, representing the property owner North rock Capital LLC, for Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision approval for a four lot townhome ("attached single-family") development. Planned Development approval is required as three of the proposed lots would not have frontage on a...

Richmond Place Townhouses Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision at approximately 2965 S Richmond Street A request by Johnsen and Allphin Properties LLC for Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision approval for a proposed 9-unit townhouse project on a 0.83 acre parcel in the RMF- 30 (Low...

The following major zoning changes are potentially going to be adopted by the City Council before the end of the year.  You can attend and speak at the following public hearings, some you can still comment on Open City Hall, you can attend the City Council where these may formally b adopted, and you can send them comments to [email protected].  (all these dates are subject to change, but we know not much will happen in December, so all will be probably adopted by the end of November.)