SH LUZ Report 2018 January
Changes to the Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance has been sent back to Planning by the City Council on December 5...
Changes to the Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance has been sent back to Planning by the City Council on December 5...
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barraclough Treasurer Report-Benjamin Sessions 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Community Outreach-Benjamin Sessions Website-Melaine Heath Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Trails, Parks and Open Spaces-Sally Barclough Arts...
A request by Carlos Nunez, representing the property owner North rock Capital LLC, for Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision approval...
Richmond Place Townhouses Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision at approximately 2965 S Richmond Street A request by Johnsen and Allphin...
Utah Stories did a great feature on Patricia Johanson's new Sego Lily Plaza at Sugar House Park. From the article: The...
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barraclough Treasurer Report-Benjamin Sessions 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Community Outreach-Benjamin Sessions and Melanie Heath Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Trails, Parks and Open...
Holiday Social: December 19th from 6-8pm the Sugar House Community Council will be holding a meet and greet in the upstairs...
November 7th Election: Election day is approaching for District 5 and District 7. Please get out, mail in, vote online…Just...
November Agenda 7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Sally Barclough Treasurer Report-Benjamin Sessions 7:10 Committee Reports Land Use and Zoning-Judi Short Community Outreach-Benjamin Sessions and Melanie Heath Transportation-Larry Migliaccio Parks-Sally Barclough 7:20 Community Announcements Fire...
Help us locate SLC's historic signs by using the SLC Mobile app! Salt Lake City is made up of unique neighborhoods...