7:00 PM Welcome - Chair Approve minutes of prior meeting Secretary Report Treasurer Report Chair Announcements 7:05 PM Community Announcements Fire Department Crime Report - Det. Manzanares 7:15 PM Public comments...
Salt Lake City is hosting an information meeting on the contamination of the Sugar House plume located at the 21st...
MEETING Sprague Library 7:00 Welcome - Chair Approve the minutes of the prior meeting Secretary report Treasurer report Chair Announcements 7:10 Community Announcements Fire Department - Crime report -...
It's that time of year again when all the lovely trees in Sugar House will start shedding their leaves. For those...
The following map depicts the boundaries as set by the Sugar House Community Council's articles of incorporation. However, Salt Lake...
Due to the length of this document we have provided a link to the Salt Lake City Council District 7...