1945 S 1300 E Rezone Tag

  The City Council denied the motion to rezone the parcel at 1945 S 1300 East to RMF 45 The Planning Commission denied the request for a project at 1861 S 1300 E to add 5 townhomes to this parcel, with a smaller lot width and...

UPDATE: This project was withdrawn before it got to the City Council hearing. UPDATE:  This was on the Planning Commission Agenda July 14, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Here is the packet sent to them that includes our letter and neighborhood comments.  Here is the STAFF...

The City Council  had a briefing  at their work session on November 16 about a  proposal  that  would  amend  the  FB-SE  (Form  Based Special Purpose  Corridor  Edge  Subdistrict)  zoning  district  to allow  for  rooftop  commercial uses above  the  second  story,  subject  to  meeting  a  height ...

The Elm Alley vacation was approved by the City Council on October 19. Significant Water Users Text Amendment was approved by the Planning Commission on September 21, and will go to the City Council for final approval. The design of the Sugar Town Project was approved by...

Sugar Town – The rezone of the old Snelgrove parcels at 850 and 870 East 2100 South was approved July 20 by the Salt Lake City Council.  It is now CSHBD-2.  The building design will hopefully be coming up on the Planning Commission in August. ...

At the May 17 LUZ meeting, we reviewed a proposed ADU at 738 E 1700 S, which was received favorably.  We also reviewed a potential rezone at 1945 S 1300 East, which would change the parcel from RMF 35 to RMF 45 .  The owner...

On April 19, the SH Land Use Committee met, we discussed the Alta Terra Sugar House project at 1121 Ashton Avenue, the former 24 hour fitness location.  Here is a link to the latest drawings submitted to Salt Lake City for review.  https://bkvgroup-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/p/swatkins/EernuiK_c0RAi_tIBlxg2QUBxtIk94imxYqSERhUiS6qKA?e=b0bycS.  All the...