LUZ Reports

January 23, 2019 - The Planning Commission forwarded a  positive recommendation to the City Council for the Early Notification Text Amendment -  related to early notification and public participation in planning processes. The purpose of the proposed changes is to clarify the language in the...

On October 24, the Planning Commission approved a change to the Cottage Courts development at 3075 S 900 East.  They were approved to build 8 homes on 900 east, off a street down the middle, with only the two houses on 900 East facing the...

Administrative Interpretation Blue Boutique - 1383 E 2100 South had a complaint that signs were too large and whether they are window signs or display windows.  The finding was that there was an overabundance of window signs and the signs should occupy  no more than...

Blue Boutique Signs - A citizen complained that the signs were too big, and the city enforced on the sign.  Signs are allowed to be 25% of a window, in this case, the signs covered 100% of the window. Larger signs must be licensed.  Signs that...

On April 11 SLC Planning Commission (PC) denied the request to close the alley at 1249 Crystal Avenue.  Here are the minutes of that meeting  This will now go to the City Council for a final decision.  We initially supported the proposal, but after reading...

We have received the application for CVS on the NW corner of 2100 South and 1300 East.  They are asking for permission to vacate a public alley.  They are also requesting a re-zone of the two properties located at 2046 and 2036 South 1300 East in order...

Salt Lake City has withdrawn its request to have us review Text Amendments for Lot Width Standards in Multi-Family Residential Zoning Districts. Planning is going to move forward with changes to housing mitigation first.  Housing mitigation usually means if you tear down a housing unit, but don’t...

On February 14, the Planning Commission approved the townhomes at 2473 South 700 East.  The driveway was moved to the North, rather than the South side of the project, which made it more appealing. On February 28, the Planning Commission approved changes to Conditional Building and...

The Land Use and Zoning Committee met March 19.  We discussed the request for achange to the Maximum Area per Sign Face for flat signs in Open Space Districts to be as large as 200 square feet.  Currently, a 60 square foot sign is allowed. Crystal...

Changes to the Accessory Dwelling Units  Ordinance has been sent back to Planning by the City Council on December 5 for one more round of edits.  Hopefully, this will be back on their agenda in January. There is not consensus among the members. The City Council...