Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

Shopko Block Update: The Westport Capital project “ShopkoBlock”is going to the planning commission on June28th. The city has conducted two open houses and the...

By the end of June 2017, the Bonneville Shoreline Trail at Grandeur Peak Trailhead will be connected to Sugar House...

7:00 PM Welcome-Chair 7:05 PM Approve Minutes Secretary Report Treasurer Report 7:10 PM Committee Reports Trails and Open Spaces Land Use and Zoning Transportation Community Outreach 7:20 PM Community Announcements Fire Station #3 Public Safety...

Now that the weather is turning, I thought an update on the Parley’s Trail would be pertinent.   The section from...

7:00 PM Welcome - Chair 7:05 PM Approve Minutes Secretary Report Treasurer Report Trustee Updates 7:15 PM Community Announcements Fire Station #3 Public Safety Report-Det. Ashdown 7:20 PM Public Comments or Questions PRESENTATIONS 7:30...

Salt Lake City Corporation has pulled the proposed Homeless Resource Center at 653 Simpson Avenue from its list of future sites.  There is much relief about that.  At our SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting February 13, we talked at length about the conditions that should be placed on such a use, as part of the city’s request for approving this as a “conditional use”.  Many in the community provided very good comments, and those will be forwarded to the city shortly, along with my letter highlighting what I see as the biggest issues.  We still need to do this, because this will be part of a city wide ordinance, we want these to function well in our city, no matter where they are built.

7:00 PM Welcome-chair 7:05 PM Approve minutes Secretary report New trustees Treasurer report Committee announcements Love Utah, Give Utah Fundraiser 7:15 PM Community announcements    Fire station #3    Public Safety Report-Det...

Chair Report for March 1st, 2017 Resource Centers After talking to the City Council, city staff and county staff it sounds like...

At the December 9 meeting of the Land Use and Zoning Committee, we reviewed the 21 and 21 Small Area Plan.  Those in attendance were Anthony Wright Travis Hopkins, Will Kocher, Susan Koelliker, Josalyn Bates, George Chapman, Lucy Haws, Sue Ann Jones, Sheila O’Driscoll, Milton Brazelton, Patsy McNamara, Soren Simonson, Joedy Lister, Judi Short, Lynn Schwarz, Sally Barraclough, Lisa Adams, Jason Smurthwaite, John Anderson.