Author: Judi Short

The SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee met Monday February 8.  We discussed a T-Mobile Cell Tower Expanded Array.  I have only had a few comments about this.  We discussed the proposed Alley Vacation at 938 Elm Street. We had a lot of discussion and...

This is a new, mysterious project going up on the corner of 900 East, right by the STREETCAR STATION across from Leisure Living.  Here is a link to the plans.  This is in the FB-SE (Form-Based Streetcar Edge) zone.  This will be an over the counter...

SH LUZ REPORT 2021 FEBRUARY  At the January 3 meeting of the SLC Planning Commission, the request for a Planned Development at 1966 Windsor was denied.  In talking with the planner, it is possible that the petitioner will Design a new project for this land that...

This is a big update of the SLC regulations for off-street parking, including minimum and maximum number of stalls required/allowed; permitted alternatives to off-street parking requirements; and parking lot design, access, and dimensional standards.  For residential parcels, they have pretty much done away with any requirement...

UPDATE:  Here is the letter written to Planning with neighborhood comments included.  This project ws approved at the Administrative Hearing on March 25. T-Mobile wants a conditional use to expand an existing antenna array located at 1596 Stratford Avenue in the rear.  Because of the size...

UPDATE:  The City Council approved the alley vacation .  You can read the staff report.   UPDATE:  This was approved by the Planning Commission on March 10, 2021.  It now goes to the City Council for final approval. The neighbors at 968 E Elm Avenue have initiated a...

Cemetery Master Plan  was approved by the City Council. The Cemetery Master Plan would serve as a framework for Salt Lake City to address three primary purposes: 1.) to guide the preservation and management of the Cemetery; 1.) to expand access to and enhance appropriate uses of the...

UPDATE:  Architectural Nexus has withdrawn this proposal for now. UPDATE:  Here is the SHCC letter with comments to the Planning Commission. UPDATE:  The city is holding a virtual Open House, with comments ending May 10, 2021.  Here is a link to all the plans: This was on...

UPDATE October 18, 2022   The City Council adopted this text amendment. Three emails sent to City council on this subject This is a  map of District 7 Proposed Zoning SRO  which shows places where Shared Housing would be allowed. The third text amendment that was approved was Shared Housing...