Land Use & Zoning

This is a new, mysterious project going up on the corner of 900 East, right by the STREETCAR STATION across from Leisure Living.  Here is a link to the plans.  This is in the FB-SE (Form-Based Streetcar Edge) zone.  This will be an over the counter...

SH LUZ REPORT 2021 FEBRUARY  At the January 3 meeting of the SLC Planning Commission, the request for a Planned Development at 1966 Windsor was denied.  In talking with the planner, it is possible that the petitioner will Design a new project for this land that...

This is a big update of the SLC regulations for off-street parking, including minimum and maximum number of stalls required/allowed; permitted alternatives to off-street parking requirements; and parking lot design, access, and dimensional standards.  For residential parcels, they have pretty much done away with any requirement...

UPDATE:  Here is the letter written to Planning with neighborhood comments included.  This project ws approved at the Administrative Hearing on March 25. T-Mobile wants a conditional use to expand an existing antenna array located at 1596 Stratford Avenue in the rear.  Because of the size...

UPDATE:  The City Council approved the alley vacation .  You can read the staff report.   UPDATE:  This was approved by the Planning Commission on March 10, 2021.  It now goes to the City Council for final approval. The neighbors at 968 E Elm Avenue have initiated a...

Cemetery Master Plan  was approved by the City Council. The Cemetery Master Plan would serve as a framework for Salt Lake City to address three primary purposes: 1.) to guide the preservation and management of the Cemetery; 1.) to expand access to and enhance appropriate uses of the...

UPDATE:  Architectural Nexus has withdrawn this proposal for now. UPDATE:  Here is the SHCC letter with comments to the Planning Commission. UPDATE:  The city is holding a virtual Open House, with comments ending May 10, 2021.  Here is a link to all the plans: This was on...

UPDATE October 18, 2022   The City Council adopted this text amendment. Three emails sent to City council on this subject This is a  map of District 7 Proposed Zoning SRO  which shows places where Shared Housing would be allowed. The third text amendment that was approved was Shared Housing...

On October 28 The Planning Commission approved the Zoning Text Amendment for Restaurants in Public Lands. is a list of locations that could be included.This has to go to the City Council for final approval. They also approved the recommendations to the Billboard Ordinance.  This...

  NOTE:  This project may never be built, and probably will need to make a new application if they decide to go forward because too much time has lapsed. (11/16/2023) FINAL UPDATE: This plan was approved by the Planning Commission October 13, 2021. UPDATE: Above is a drawing...